How much does it take YOU do get high?

Everyone's body is different. I'm bored, so how much does it take you to get high as a kite? haha

For me, it's 1-2 bowls, but it also depends how much of a tolerance I've built up. Don't smoke TOO often, but whatever :weed:

*EDIT* Sorry, I meant *to* get high in the title, haha. My typing sucks....
A good two bowls.
Plan on keeping it that way.
Whenever I do develop tolerance I take tbreaks.
I don't want to develop tolerance because herb cost money and I have to save my lunch money for it.
A good two bowls.
Plan on keeping it that way.
Whenever I do develop tolerance I take tbreaks.
I don't want to develop tolerance because herb cost money and I have to save my lunch money for it.
Yeah, I see. I used to build up a tolerance after smoking 1 1/2 bowls a night for 4 nights. It's not to fun on the 5th night. You still get buzzed and have fun, but DEFINATELY not as much as the first night, for sure.
Yeah, I see. I used to build up a tolerance after smoking 1 1/2 bowls a night for 4 nights. It's not to fun on the 5th night. You still get buzzed and have fun, but DEFINATELY not as much as the first night, for sure.
i understand what youre saying happened to me too so i try doing it once every other day when i have a sack.


Well-Known Member
If I'm by myself it takes about 3 bowls to get pretty high. I got a pretty high tolerance but I have been cutting back lately. I used to smoke anywhere from 3 to like 6 blunts a day.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much a daily smoker.. but my tolerance still isn't very high. 1 cig sized joint and i'm good


Well-Known Member
2 hits to feel good and a bowl to get fucked up. If I really want to get baked as shit maybe 2 bowls(never tried it) btw the shit I'm smoking now is the best I've ever had and I've got NO tolerance. I slowed down so I smoke once every couple days and my life style is cleansing(I sweat at least 2 hours a day, have like 5% body fat and drink a lot of water). Oh ya and when I do smoke its only a few hits so I seriously will never get a tolerance.


Active Member
takes me bout 2bowls 2 feel good, a nice bong, or a blunt between me nd my gurl nd mayb sum1 else. i smoke alot tho, so my highs dont be lastin real long, mayb lik a hlf hour 45 mins nd its goin down. i lik 2 keep it goin, me nd my gurl can smoke 5blunts a day so yea.


Active Member
If I've been doin my reg then I usually have to smoke 3 or more bowls to feel good, plus that to get high. If Im takin breaks or cant afford it usually a bowl.....