How much does it cost you guys to run your setups?


Well-Known Member
I am now running 2000w with an 8" fan on 12/12.

And an 8 bulb flouro that runs 24/7.

I'm in Gilpin / Golden area.

How much do you guys run and what's the price on it?

Just curious as to how much my bill is gonna be.
Yep, what Snaps said. I'm at 3 bills myself. 1200w at 12/12. 600w @ 24hrs. 2x 6in fan @ 24hrs. House w/ AC, home all the time.
I'm in the mountains so I never use AC. In fact, we don't even have an AC unit.

I'm in the mountains as well... however I still move a stand alone 13k A/c into my room during July and still have it running until daytime temps drop a little. You have your grow in a good concrete basement or a house that moves air incredibly well? I dont know how u get away with no A/C during july otherwise...
Found this in another post:

"600W X 18 hours = 10800WH Then we can Convert to KWH: 10800WH/1000 = 10.8KWH (this is how much KWH per day the 600 watt will draw) We're running it for a month: 1 month = 30 days (or 31 days) 10.8KWH X 30 = 324KHW / month. Now we calculate cost using the rate of 23.5 cents / KWH. 324 KWH X .$235 = $76.14"

Haven't dont calculations myself but I run 2 x 600, 1 x 250, 1 x T5 (4 bulb 2 ft used only for the first 3 weeks of germ) plus 2 x 6" fans no AC (think I've turned on my house AC about 7 days this summer when it was really hot) and my total electric bill for entire house is 200ish pretty consistently. Here is most recent bill which was 191. This was with the 1 x 600 and 1 x 250 plus 1 x 6" fan on 12/12 and the other 600w and 6" fan at 18/6 for the entire month (keep in mind this is my whole house usage TV's, comps, lights, appliances and ceiling fans in upper 2 floors)

Xcel Energy
Average Daily Temperature 73 F 75 F
Electric/kWh per Day 45.3 kWh 0.0 kWh
Electric/Cost per Day $ 6.54 $ 0.00
Service & Facility $6.75
Summer Tier 1 500kWh $0.046040 $23.02
Summer Tier 2 996kWh $0.090000 $89.64
Elec Commodity Adj 498.67kWh $0.038060 $18.98
Elec Commodity Adj 997.33kWh $0.035930 $35.83

Theres a few other nickel and dime fees/adjustments on mine that push it closer to 190 for this bill.

Doing some quick math on my lights and estimating fans/T5 at 100kwh (in reality its probably less than this) a month, I'd say my lights/fans alone are about 100 of this bill calculated at the Tier 2 rates

1 x 600w at 18h = 324kWh / month
1 x 600w at 12h = 216kWh / month
1 x 250w at 12h = 90kWh / month

I usually do 6 weeks veg and 9 weeks flower avg so each harvest is around $350-$375 in electric costs probably less cause I dont think the fans actually use that much but dont have the wattage on them handy.

Edit: Its a lot less actually cause I have them cycled. If I turned off the other 600w when I moved to flower it would make it around $250/harvest I think. Math above assumes they're all on every day. Which they are but only cause I have more plants coming behind it using the veg lights when I switch over to flower.

For you:

2000w at 12h = 720kWh / month
2000w at 18h = 1,080kWh / month

Edit: Added in some more detailed calcs cause Im bored and love math.
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Many new growers totally misunderstand the 'commitment' that must be made to the great god "Cannabis" is both in money and soul
but the truth no more than any other hobby that may have a heavy electrical connection, like guys with fish tanks, rock band, railway set, hot rod fabrication, or myself back yard rocketry, that quietly sucks an extra $30-$300 from your wallet each month ...without notice
Still cheaper than hooking up with chicks or some firearms range/license bills
I used 2 600w 12/12 everyday along with 2 4 Bulb T-5's on 18 hours a day for a total of about 110-160.
I just got my first full months bill @ $488 :(

I was hoping for more like $300 or less. Power is a lot more expensive up here than in Florida.
Got this from Joe Pietri's FB page.
To reduce my electric bill I have changed the flower lights to 13/11 and for veg am using 13 hours on, 4 hours off, 2 hours on, 5 hours off. I have not seen any difference to the growth, so may go ahead to change fully to Joe's timing.
my whole house with 2 kids, 2k watt 12/12, 2x 4 lamp T5, $150.
what else is goin on out there??!!! haha that is ridiculous