How Much Does It Cost To Run 8 CFLs A Month????


Well-Known Member
i have 8 cfls running at 13 watts a piece my mom keeps harping on me about how its gonna kill the power bill so much and i keep tellin her cfls do nothing i just need some extra advice on how much it would cost in dollars you experts know ur lights so i will keep in touch thanks for all ur help


Well-Known Member
lol man those aint no biggy at all probly just a few bucks, its worth not buying bags of weed tell her that and you will probly wont to add more during flowering a few CFLs wont do you damage on your power bill


Active Member
might wana wait till you have a house of your own, that way you dont have to work around mom and dad, or do what i did a couple years ago, get a friend who live on his own and rent space in his house


Well-Known Member
Cfls take 1/4 the power of incandescent bulbs... so 1/4 of 8 = 2 X 13w cfl = 2 X 60 w incan.
about $2.00 month.. if...


Well-Known Member
Yea wouldnt be more than a couple dollars

My 400w HPS only cost about $14 a month


Well-Known Member
i use a 1000w hps and my electric bill actually went down :-) thats only bc i got a brand new a/c unit put on the crib and uses like 200% less energy than my old central a/c


Well-Known Member
Eight 13w CFL's? That is a total of 104 watts... you could run that off a solar panel. Maybe it is costing you 5 bucks a month...about the same as your yield will be.


Well-Known Member
LOL tell your mom the bill would be even less if she replaced every light bulb in the house with cfl. Where I live its 6 cents for 1 KWhour, so thos cfl' would probably cost 2 cents per day to run, Hope yo mom dont go broke.