How much does genetics really matter for seeds? How much of it is a scam?

It's all about candy terps...
Jungle Boys. Seed junky. 3rd coast. Compound. Cookies. Pheno addicts.

Tiki mad man...might breed for fire
In house....has been known for the fire

Sunken treasure & beleaf both breed for trichrome coverage.

Ak bean brains is an old school preservationists
His beans require some serious hunting to find old school fire.
Are you telling me that you dont get stoned on the weed you grow?

Like I said any novice smoker can grow any seed from ILGM and get high. They can also buy a 20 dollar 8th like Stiizy and get just as high. Virgin lungs can get high off schwag weed mixed with oregano.

Reason I am growing is because I am sick to death of the weed they sell at the dispensaries. Sick to death of it.

I was contemplating going to Compton to look for chronic like they used to sell it over 20 years ago. Risking my life so I don't have to spend money on garbage weed from the dispensary.

I will say this now and I will say this again. There is a huge gap between the quality of the weed now and the quality it used to be before legalization.

We are so far removed from the good weed days that people say all kinds of junk is fire nowadays. Maybe I refuse to change and adapt to shittier times but I remember weed being good. LIke narcotic. Like you take a hit and go ooooh yeahhhh like Randy Macho Man Savage.
If you are growing piff coast farms you SHOULD have some fire. I am planning on getting their purple puday....
It's gonna be a hunt for real as I know there have been some very good an not so good reviews.

But it's going to be a hunt for the fire
Same same..
The good ol days are over for those who can fadely remember how weed was before legalization went in.
I feel like we need to invent the wheel all over again, go hunt and smoke landraces, grow their seeds, repeat...
But I've been to marroco, even the farmers are complaining about lower quality seeds.
they mostly get genetics from USA
Farmers in this scale don't have time for clones, they need reliable seed stock for their hash making which is at the worst quality level I've ever seen ever since my last visit there, it used to be a rocket bomb, now it feels like dispensary dab lol

But, there's still hope, I've been growing bagseeds and breeders seeds for a long time, to be honest ? Bagseeds knock them harddd
That's not to say all breeders are not putting the work, but you know the saying too much trees to see the forest ?
Same same..
The good ol days are over for those who can fadely remember how weed was before legalization went in.
I feel like we need to invent the wheel all over again, go hunt and smoke landraces, grow their seeds, repeat...
But I've been to marroco, even the farmers are complaining about lower quality seeds.
they mostly get genetics from USA
Farmers in this scale don't have time for clones, they need reliable seed stock for their hash making which is at the worst quality level I've ever seen ever since my last visit there, it used to be a rocket bomb, now it feels like dispensary dab lol

But, there's still hope, I've been growing bagseeds and breeders seeds for a long time, to be honest ? Bagseeds knock them harddd
That's not to say all breeders are not putting the work, but you know the saying too much trees to see the forest ?
Im not trying to be a dick, but you're 28? Some might say you weren't even around for the "fire" you all remember. I got high af off of mexican brick 30 years ago but it's not even close to some of the genetics now and i wouldn't want it.
Maybe your tolerance is too high now, and your romanticizing about something that wasn't that great to begin with. Just a new experience
Im not trying to be a dick, but you're 28? Some might say you weren't even around for the "fire" you all remember. I got high af off of mexican brick 30 years ago but it's not even close to some of the genetics now and i wouldn't want it.
Maybe your tolerance is too high now, and your romanticizing about something that wasn't that great to begin with. Just a new experience

Yep. I graduated high school in 1982. haha
I dont like broad generalizations, unless I am the one making them.

Perception is reality. Do research, read old forum posts, scientific papers, and learn to decipher the truth from the marketing to shape your perception and find a reality that suits you. If you want to believe the hype, put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. If you like that old school funk and trust the likes of Bob Hemphill, AKBB, Fluer du mal, etc, put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. If you are just a fan of Bohdi or Nspecta, you are of good taste, but you need to put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. You see what I am getting at?

The history is out there, some of it is more well documented than others, but it paints a wonderful picture. Old hippies traveling the world collecting seeds, the brotherhood of eternal love, the cornbread mafia, rock and roll, major busts, running from the law, doing heroine for the Mujahadeen to earn their trust and check out their hash stash, and thats not even touching the lineage!
I dont like broad generalizations, unless I am the one making them.

Perception is reality. Do research, read old forum posts, scientific papers, and learn to decipher the truth from the marketing to shape your perception and find a reality that suits you. If you want to believe the hype, put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. If you like that old school funk and trust the likes of Bob Hemphill, AKBB, Fluer du mal, etc, put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. If you are just a fan of Bohdi or Nspecta, you are of good taste, but you need to put in the effort to growing it to max genetic potential. You see what I am getting at?

The history is out there, some of it is more well documented than others, but it paints a wonderful picture. Old hippies traveling the world collecting seeds, the brotherhood of eternal love, the cornbread mafia, rock and roll, major busts, running from the law, doing heroine for the Mujahadeen to earn their trust and check out their hash stash, and thats not even touching the lineage!

Perfectly said.
Original Northern Lights circa 1995. To this day I say that was the strongest weed I ever smoked. Stoned before you finished exhaling. Ha However that was a long time ago. Who knows? I was always an Indica guy.

I've had this. Same year as well. Some guy grew it in Oakland. Real 1 hitter quitter. Will knock you out. The feds got rid of all weed like this or anything close to this. Ask anyone here if they have recently tried stuff like this. It's gone. Possibly forever. Makes sense. Stuff like this is real drugs. Kids can get in serious car wrecks with weed like this. I believe the Feds knew this and had to demolish all the real potent weed before making it legal and getting that tax money, therefore making it safe enough for the mass public.
I'm no genetics whiz , as I mentioned before I'm good with angelfish genetics and I understand the Mendelian principles . In my thinking the genetics of the old days aren't lost , they're just hidden and not being found due to years of hybridizing without clear knowledge of the alleles contributed by each parent .

It's all just pollen chucking until we understand the alleles , which ones are heterozygous and which are homozygous and how they interact with each other when crossed . With that information crosses can be made that aren't just a wild ass guess hoping for a gem that can only be replicated via cloning .

The old legends weren't that far removed from the landraces used to create them . This IMO made it easier for the original creator to pick phenos to use in the breeding of future generations .

If you could pinpoint the alleles of both parents you could work out the genetics of the offspring via punnett square and have a better handle on the way to move forward towards either new strains or closer replications of the old legends . You don't necessarily need the original mothers and fathers , what's needed is still hidden in "cousins 6th removed" . Right now it's just dumb luck .

On top of all that you bring in the complexities of a plant whose chemistry effects our brain . It's not like breeding fish or petunias , there is much work to be done by very smart people before what I envision can be reality . We talk about not wanting to see cannabis being taken over by "Big Tobacco" if and when it's legalized Federally but in reality that's when companies like Pfizer will put up the bucks to figure it out .

I'm no genius it's just the way I see it in my simple mind . I could be spouting a load of shit for all I know .
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99 % genetics, if the seed is not good to start with there is very little you can do to improve the end results. But why the decline in quality? 1 seedless product, since seedless became popular when you do find a seed its likely a hermy or unplanned cross. 2 miss information some well known names have spread miss information about seed making or breeding, I do not think it was done on purpose as they have not benifitted from the miss information but have believed it themselves [they are not make truly epic seeds]. 3 advancements in growing, some advancements are good for growing but not for making better seeds. 4 ego's they get in the way of the truth about what the end product is actually like, individuals think there product [buds seeds] is better than it actually is. 5 loss of source material, original habitats and cultures that produced good seeded weed were decimated by imposed morals. THC is a miracle, science does not believe in miracles so they will be no better at making fire seeds.
How I like to use people's logic on them lol
My friend told me the other day it's only the grower if you grow it good it will be good, no relation to the seed :P
So I told him according to that logic, you grew in the last two years over 100 seeds, only 2 was even worth smoking, 98 were trash, all grown the same way... So that makes you a shit grower :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Back to reality, 99% genetics.
You can argue about that all you want, but at the end of the day real growers know what's real and what is bro science.
How I like to use people's logic on them lol
My friend told me the other day it's only the grower if you grow it good it will be good, no relation to the seed :P
So I told him according to that logic, you grew in the last two years over 100 seeds, only 2 was even worth smoking, 98 were trash, all grown the same way... So that makes you a shit grower :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Back to reality, 99% genetics.
You can argue about that all you want, but at the end of the day real growers know what's real and what is bro science.
Let's be real here for a moment. There is very little bad weed out there right now. I would hope everyone remembers schwag, because I sure do, and even the worst weed I have ever grown, as over fed and early harvested as it was, it was still pretty damn good compared to that shit.

The bar is higher, as are tolerance levels, but one has to fuck up pretty bad at some stage to get totally bunk, shitty weed...

Now, if we are talking about the truly great stuff? It's one of those "you know it when you have it" things. There's weed that I like, weed that I love, and weed I have grown really well, but I have never grown out a grail. That's one of my bucketlist items in this lifetime, finding an 11/10 banger from seed (preferably haze or haze adjacent sativa)
Any schwag from California from back in the day was better than today's weed whether grown indoors or commercially.

However I've had some really bad schwag from places like Washington Square Park, West Philadelphia, that was worse than a 20 dollar dispensary eight. In general however, most of the cartel schwag was better than today's weed, especially the high grade mids stuff.

There's a ton of bad weed out there. I know it sounds crazy but I believe the Feds destroyed the real narcotic strains from the mass market before legalization through coordinated raids and busts. What's left are just the remnants and they are impossible to find. That's why everyone complains the weed is not good anymore.