100-120 for schwag, and 60 1/8 for danks. So any where from 300-400 a oz. We get raped here in South dakota.
i can find an oz of reggie miller for about 60 beans. the only time i've gotten a dispensary price like 45 dollars for an eighth was this dealer i used to get from, he moved -.-. when he moved eighths went back up to the nifty 60.100-120 for schwag, and 60 1/8 for danks. So any where from 300-400 a oz. We get raped here in South dakota.
I'm an American,,so I'll stick with my DankIn Canada, it is very rare we get shwag, and that sells for about 150 cdn an ounce. Shwag here is the same as mids in the US. I'm not knocking US weed, but I haven't smoked anything really decent from down there. It's about 240 cdn for the bombest shit out there, great smell, great smoke, EXCELLENT high! I suggest any American to "buy Canadian" (Obama Reference) when it comes to weed, it will blow your mind. When it comes to weed, Canadians take it as seriously as our beer and our hockey!!!
LV $500 for Bubba Kushwow getting rapped here in Oklahoma.
60 for reggie
and 480-600 for bomb bomb.
i've been on weedtracker and marijuanareviews looking at prices.LV $500 for Bubba Kush