How Much Do You Think I Will Yeild?


Active Member
As you can see this is my setup! as of now i have a 9ft tall ceiling, and a 7x7 room.
400W HPS/MH, 4 foot floursent, and a 150W HPS
I will Flower HOPEFULLY with two 2000W HPSP5140059.jpgP5110056.jpgP5140060.jpgP5140068.jpg
i have a good nutrient recipe Humbolt Nutrients, and a few other stuff...
My plants are Bozman Kush, Headband, and Blue Berry Trinity (BBT)
Plants are 1 1/2 months old
Bozman Kush about 18in tall
Headband is about 15in tall shortest 12in tall
BBT is about 25-26in tall shortest is 16in tall

My question is if i flower at two months how much will i Yeild???
Thank You everyone that helps me out!


Well-Known Member
...........god only knows man.

There are too many of these questions on this forum.

The only answer your gonna get is "too many variables"

expect .5 grams per watt.....HOPE for 1 gram per watt

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You'll yield cannabis, as said, god only knows and he don't exist so fuck knows! :lol: Either way should be a good amount :)