how much do you smoke??


Well-Known Member
on average how much do you smoke a week??
i sometimes feel like i smoke too much , i smoke minimum 2 grams a day some days alot more than that, so im going to say 14gs a week for me.:leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I don't really count in grams haha. . . I count in buds. generally I'd go through 2 fat buds a day but now I've cut back a lot and I make a smaller bud last most of the day (I'm talking buds you can load several bowls in a bong or pipe with)

usually it's best to use weed in moderation, as your cannabinoid receptors become less available as you smoke more (meaning, you gain a different sort of tolerance, the more you smoke the less high you get, and at some point, no matter how much you smoke you wont get very high)

I've been at those levels of tolerance and it's not very fun. even quitting a day changes the tolerance a lot though.


Active Member
I probably smoke 2 grams or more per day, depending on the yeah, about a half ounce a week. I have a continuous grow going so it's no issue


Well-Known Member
When I was smoking out of my bong I was smoking about an 1/8th a week.
Now that I have a vaporizer.
I'm vaping about half of an 1/8th a week.


Well-Known Member
I must be a light weight since I smoke maybe 2 blunts a month (and that is shared with wifey).... Oh BTW, I can make 2 blunts with a 20 sack.



Well-Known Member
I must be a light weight since I smoke maybe 2 blunts a month (and that is shared with wifey).... Oh BTW, I can make 2 blunts with a 20 sack.

"20 sack" only tells the price..... wtf you gettin for 20? $20 gets a gram of dank around here..... 2 blunts with a gram ain't right.


Well-Known Member
When I'm forced to ration between harvests(like now) I only smoke an eighth per week. When bud is plentiful I smoke 2-3x that per week. I'll be getting a vaporizer in a couple of months so I'm hoping to conserve even more bud.


Green Thumb of God
about a half every 5-7 days. Sometimes more sometimes less depending what I got going on.


Well-Known Member
on average i smoke atleast 2 blunts a day.. but alota times ill be at my friends house and we usually smoke atleast 3-4. so atleast 14 (1/2oz) a week


Well-Known Member
lol. shit u guys think u smoke to much. i smoke bout 2 boxes of cigarillos(swisher) a day. i wud say bout an 8th and a half to 7 grams worth of exotics per day. i have a crazy weed habit but hey i pay for it so my lungs. but durin the weekdays no more than 4 to 5 grams def. thur. fri, sat wen im movin round alot its like 7 grams a day