how much do you smoke in one seating


Well-Known Member
whenever i have weed ill smoke a blunt a day or a joint and a couple of bowls or just osme 3 bowls. if i have a little bit of weed left i will just smoke the bowl in one hit which gets me pretty fucked up and i even that feeling. but right now i dont have weed and i fucken sucks. but riu is fun not blazed.


Well-Known Member
If i'm by myself or with my girl I'll usually smoke 2-3 joints and a few hits of bho; after that I'll be set for the night :sleep:. but if i'm with a bunch of people i'll only smoke a joint or a bowl. I get kinda paranoid if i get too high with a lot of people


Well-Known Member
Maybe this will give you some insight lol. True story.
Me and my girl went over to my boy and his girls house i get my bud from. We we're all chillin, and he thought it would be funny to play a small joke.
Well the joke was, Wiz the real reason your girl brought you here is for an intervention.
Anyone that smokes as much I love to, would know that is not the right joke to be playin! I thought he was serious!!!
Needless to say, I was freaked out. All paranoid for the next few minutes hoping a TV crew don't bust in the house.
All of them didn't think nothin of it, and there I was scared shitless. They didn't realize I thought he was serious, until about a week ago I brought it up while smokin.
Yeah, they got a good laugh out of it.
hahaha, even I do now.
It was still scarey at the time though LOL