ok i think yo have seen all the pros and cons, and you know how much you can make *in your area* i htink its time for you to search through all the threads and see what people are dooing in there gorws, you know you only need a pound a month to make good cash.
look up a perpetual grow, so you will get a harvest every month or 2 weeks. find out roughly how meanny plants you will need to get roughly a lb per harvest, what lights. soil and nutes you will need, save up your pocket change and start somthing up in your basement in january, by this time nexy year you will be rolling in the dough you want.
i sugest closing the thread now, because everone has givin there input, good and bad. start up a new thread asking what people are useing to get an avrage of one lb per harvest.* size of room, strain, nutes lights ect.* try replocating somones gorw till you get the hang of it.
i dont know what elce to say to you man, you have everyones input.
the rest is up to YOU..