How much do you have to smoke to get high ?


Well-Known Member
I just recently started smoking MJ again so my tolerance is very low, but even before when I smoked regularly, I never really needed to smoke alot to get high. At this point I only need about 4 or 5 good hits and I'm set for hours. Guess I'm a lightweight, but 1 regular sized joint can easily last me all day.

I see alot of pics that people post with these huge platters of MJ, and I know they don't smoke all of it at once, but I was just wondering how much people actually smoke in a single session. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
depends right now i got some shitty shwag and i smoke about a joint every hour, but if i got some really good shit i take a hit or 2 every hour


Active Member
I try to keep it down to a gram a day to make it affordable :P comfortably i'd do up to 3 or more.. one day..


Well-Known Member
3 to 6 grams a day and I pretty much stay blazed as fuck not just a small high BLAZED just the way I like it. Ive been smokein over 47 years......started young and been doing it ever since.


Well-Known Member
Been smoking for perhaps 5 years (started REALLY late in life.. mid 30's) I would smoke maybe 2 small bowls a day. Perhaps a gram every 2 days? littel more on the weekend. When I was buying I would get about a 1/4 every 2 weeks. Now that I grow I prob smoke more. I dont get blazed all day or anything though. i wake & bake with a bowl & then a bowl or 2 at night.

It keeps me happy :)


Well-Known Member
I started smoking again about 3 years ago, after about a 15 year hiatus. I smoke a lot now, probably 5-6 bones/day. Even more a couple times a week when I play poker. I have decent weed but the buzz doesn't last that long. I attribute it to tolerance. Need to take a day or two off at some point and see what diff it makes.


Well-Known Member
I find I get buzzed but not for long no matter what I smoke. Thats one of the things I like about weed. There is a time line you can follow for planning your stone. I know no matter what I'm going to be totally fine within an hour or so. Even Hash & honey oil. Same thing. No longer than an hour.

But its a great hour :)


Active Member
It depends on the weed! If it's really good 3-4 hits. If it's just okay, a couple bowls or a whole joint. I've been smoking for 20 years, and I go through about 1/8 per week. Once my first harvest comes in, I will be smoking more joints, so that amount will probably go up.
the wife and I did an oz in 4 days last winter, -25 outside and blizzard for 5 days. When I am not at work I am baked, at night is a vaporizer and J's during the afternoon when I play with the puppy outside. I also have some pretty potent cookies for my 2-3 days off in a row, 2 of those and its lights out.


Well-Known Member
Well after chuggin 3 brownies 2 nights in a row. It takes about a good 10 bong bowls to do the trick. lol. normally 3-6
average is 2g a day i guess, depends if blunts are involved


Active Member
3 to 6 grams a day and I pretty much stay blazed as fuck not just a small high BLAZED just the way I like it. Ive been smokein over 47 years......started young and been doing it ever since.
I 2nd this, I don't just 'smoke' to get high, I 'smoke' to get blazed. Other wise, to me, it seems pointless. But were all different & it depends on what you plan to do or where you plan to go. But I even go into work blazed, to me it doesn't matter. I'd say an 8th a day, a bowl an hour, or a blunt every hour 1/2.

Shit, I even smoke in the damned theater, because by the time the movie starts, I'm only a little bit high & I hate that, so I have to get back to blazed. I still remember my first time was watching that shit movie 'House of Wax' me & a friend were the only two there, then the 2nd movie was 'Harold & Kumar 2' & it was packed, I just sparked a blunt.

Next thing you knew, security came in because some douchebag ragged on me. I mean, what the fuck do you go to a stoner movie for if your going to bitch out like that? It's like going to a Snoop Dogg concert & crying when someone smokes bud. Security ended up searching me, but I had already through the blunt under the seat & they let me go back & watch the movie. I then asked for a refund after the movie due to missing 10-minutes for false-claims, I didn't get my refund but I did get two free tickets, one for myself & one for my hyna. So I guess I made out that night...


Well-Known Member
Well when i smoke I usually go all out, so i can say that i smoked over the summer for about 2 months 4-12 blunts each .8(maybe even more) in a day. I would sometimes smoke a blunt and not even get high, or maybe I was just so high that i couldnt get any higher( thats when you start to think its the limit for weed). I smoked probably an ounce or alittle bit more in 2 weeks so ya im a burn out ;\. Blew off 14k in a year but over summer and winter vacations i would lose alot of money, the rest of the year I would go alittle easier and maybe smoke about 2 grams a day. I have built such a tolerance that i need to get really high quality herb to get my messed up and my drug dealer would be getting kinda pissed at me because every couple of hours i would pick up a shit load of herb and sometimes it was the middle of the night. Never gave him a good night sleep. I also remember make a full bowl of purps in my hookah and just blazing out of it. Damn some times (almost pass out on my balcony) but i some how managed to make 5 steps to my bed lol. BTW im being dead honest and since i blew off all my money in saving i have to start growing my own herb. I told no lies.


Well-Known Member
been smoking for over 10 years, been smoking everyday for about the last 7 or 8 years. i still get high off a couple hits but if i want to get blown out i have to smoke 2 or 3 bowls...or a fat joint.