How much do u think i will yeald

How much do u think i will yield with my outdoor grapefruit its a auto flower

1350386420171.jpg 1350386420784.jpg

as you can see i have 1 125 watt cfl on it and two florescent tubes that are 18 watt each





Active Member
Not exactly sure. I see these posts all the time and they always end the same way. Nobody can really tell right now. You will find out sooner or later!


Well-Known Member
with that much lighting if you break the ounce an auto mark i would be amazed!!

BTW I would turn that clf horizontal or get a reflector for it.
How do i tern it horizontal without a reflector eny idears enyone and o yea wat will happen if i dont use a red spec cfl for flower



New Member
One yields little when learning to spell and grow ....... Might get a days worth of smoke if your lucky ...You need alot of Autos to have a yield sad to say


Well-Known Member
Ok no need to be rude about my spelling u think i don't no i have bad grammar wow plz if you are going to post post sum thing positive u CUNT
I think you won the rudeness comp mate...;)

I think you need to learn the difference between grammar and spelling..may as well do syntax whilst you're at it.
What we all ned is sume sort of programm to chek our spellin for us as we tipe...mayb hilite mistakces in red? ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you cannot handle a negative response when posting on a public online forum, then please just don't post anything in the first place. This is the internet.. or had you forgotten that? :dunce:

If someone posts something you don't like, you can just ignore it, you do not need to respond as you did and in the process destroy any shred of respect people might have had for you, now they just see you as a foul mouthed so and so.