How Much DMT?

That's irresponsible. The drugs you mass produce will get to kids who aren't ready for it, or will just plain get used in the wrong way. THINK. Fucking over the government DOES NOT have to include fucking over society at the same time.

but DMT is not that harmful. so the kid will freak out. its fun. the kid will live. and plus its a humans civil rite 2 do the drugs they choose with the exception of shit like heroin, coke, meth, x, ect...
but DMT is not that harmful. so the kid will freak out. its fun. the kid will live. and plus its a humans civil rite 2 do the drugs they choose with the exception of shit like heroin, coke, meth, x, ect...
That is true. The pursuit of happiness. But you could seriously affect his mental state/disposition.
That is true. The pursuit of happiness. But you could seriously affect his mental state/disposition.

but who am i 2 say he cant embrace his rite? if i didnt put drugs on the street just cuz of that id feel like i was taking his civil rite away... these are just my beliefs....
I am now officially in love with Peter Parker, and Brevity.
As for blaznb.... I don't want to be a dick, but stop fucking embarassing yourself. A P of DMT is NOT easy to find, ANYWHERE, I don't care where you live. Its just not happening. The most I've ever even HEARD of within a 50-mile radius of where I live is a QP, and that might not have even been true.
DMT can fuck a kid's life up, if he's not ready. Don't fuck around and give kids drugs, let them find it when they think they're ready.
I am now officially in love with Peter Parker, and Brevity.
As for blaznb.... I don't want to be a dick, but stop fucking embarassing yourself. A P of DMT is NOT easy to find, ANYWHERE, I don't care where you live. Its just not happening. The most I've ever even HEARD of within a 50-mile radius of where I live is a QP, and that might not have even been true.
DMT can fuck a kid's life up, if he's not ready. Don't fuck around and give kids drugs, let them find it when they think they're ready.

dood u act like im sellin cracc.. the kidz will be completely fine...
I am now officially in love with Peter Parker, and Brevity.
As for blaznb.... I don't want to be a dick, but stop fucking embarassing yourself. A P of DMT is NOT easy to find, ANYWHERE, I don't care where you live. Its just not happening. The most I've ever even HEARD of within a 50-mile radius of where I live is a QP, and that might not have even been true.
DMT can fuck a kid's life up, if he's not ready. Don't fuck around and give kids drugs, let them find it when they think they're ready.

Thank you, +rep. I can see blaznb hasn't taken your advice just yet. Blaznb more than likely is the famous 'kid not ready'
The process to extract the alkaloids is a tedious, time-consuming process. Your willing to go through all of that to produce this drug in a mass amount? Like one of the other dudes said, an Oz. may be possible. But why not just grow herb? Aeroponics accelerates growth and if you integrate certain techniques, it will allow a massive amount of potent flowers. The ultimate question here is if this procedure you speak of is worthwhile... Well the audience seems to have negative views.
i think tht kids tht are not ready for DMT will be mentally scarred for life and any1 who wants to put it on the streets for these kids is a complete jackass.... and btw i just bought a 1/4 ounce of dmt the other day and i got it for the best possible price! it was only 500$... it ended up being a lil short but for tht price i cant complain.... it was 6.730 grams according to my scale..... i wish i was always this cheap ... if i wanted to i could make a killing of this shit i think im going to sell an 1/8 for about 150 gram and 75 for the extra half a gram, pm me if your interested in doing some buisness and u live in the area
I split up and sold a ounce in 8-balls. The other ounce was for personal use and occasional selling. The 8-balls were gone like wild fire! People know about and like DMT.... But I just seriously can't believe pounds upon pounds sold like a pound of weed....
I split up and sold a ounce in 8-balls. The other ounce was for personal use and occasional selling. The 8-balls were gone like wild fire! People know about and like DMT.... But I just seriously can't believe pounds upon pounds sold like a pound of weed....
what are the prices like around your way