How much bud do you get from a good average plant?


Active Member
How much marijuana do you usually get for a good healthy average marijuana plant?

Do get just couple ounces? or a couple pounds? or what?


Well-Known Member
well i averagly get 4 lbs from 2 plants grown under a 60w incandesant bulb, my grow room is surrounded in unwashed socks for reflectivity.


Active Member
i'd say ive heard about an ounce each when you start flowering around 10" or 12". idk though, im still a noob.

whats a good average plant btw? is that better than average??


Well-Known Member
This is seriously an impossible question to answer. Best I can think of.. depends on genetics. I've heard of QP plants before.. towering sativas. Also, I've seen people put out an eighth with a ruderalis. You're talking a high degree of variability here. Maybe the question you should be asking is.. "What size will my environment permit easily?" Form there, base your lights, genetics, medium, etc. on that answer. I'll be happy if I can get 7 grams per plant out of my perpetual rig. Read more before you just start popping seeds in.


Well-Known Member
4 lbs with a 60 watt fucking ell.

Yeah that guy is definitely blowing smoke... There is no way you can get 4lbs from 2 plants under a 60w incandescent bulb. If you were to do a 3'x3' room with 2 plants under 150HPS lamp you should average 1 - 2ozs per plant... Key word should! if your elements are off at all (i.e. Nutes/Heat/Light/Etc.) you could get less....


Well-Known Member
Check out the seed bank sites a lot of then give average yield for their strains.

Aurora Indica is an f1 hybrid of Afghan and Northern Lights. Aurora Indica stays short and produces heavy colas. This plant has exceptional resin production and the buds are dense. Aurora produces a deep, near black hash, aroma and a heavy indica buzz. This strain is probably our most potent indica.

  • Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
  • Plant height: Short- Mostly Indica
  • Stoned or high?: Stoned- Indica Body Buzz
  • THC level: Strong 15-20%
  • Flowering Weeks: 7/9
  • Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 350-450
  • Harvest Month: 9/10
  • Grow difficulty: Moderate
I know what see of green is it’s a perpetual grow but the (Sea of green on one m2) :350-450 no clue. If someone more knowledgeable can answer that. Seems most sites give this as an answer for yield. I’m assuming on the indoor strains there assuming your using hydroponics given they mention see of green and hps for flowering.

Found the answer to the formula....
it means that for every square meter (about a 3 foot x 3 foot square, slightly more) of plant you grow, you will yield about 400 g, or about 14 ounces. however that is granted good growing conditions and a proper harvest. if its your first grow, stop hoping right now because your chances are slim. you could probably yield a good 50-100g if its an outdoor first grow though

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
I just harvested my first grow and it was 3 plants under a 400w MH. I ended up with about 4 ozs total. I am drying the last plant now so that is just an estimate. Oh and yea, people here have no clue when it comes to sarcasm.


Well-Known Member
ok dude, this guy has never probably even growing a plant, socks as reflectors and 60 watt light giving 4 lbs from 2 plants ROFL... stop talking shit.

That is the answer if you don't know what sacarsm answer meant


Well-Known Member
ok dude, this guy has never probably even growing a plant, socks as reflectors and 60 watt light giving 4 lbs from 2 plants ROFL... stop talking shit.

That is the answer if you don't know what sacarsm answer meant

so once again, just asking, socks are out for reflectors right?

Brick Top

New Member
so once again, just asking, socks are out for reflectors right?

Actually dirty socks are a tremendous choice for a reflective material, plus they have the added benefit of if you like the taste of cheese your plants will absorb the odor of the dirty socks and your bud will taste like toe cheese so that is a real plus on the side of using dirty socks for a reflective material.


Well-Known Member
in my experience in indoor grows my avarage is 4 ozs a plant at aprox 3 1/2 ft tall when i use fim methods thats with 2 600 watt hps lamps at 12/12 and thats a quick flowering plant that i flower as soon as sex is showing and trics are a amber color around 4 months of flowering


Active Member
I'm no expert by any means, but I generally get 3 to 4 ounces per plant indoors. I veg under flo's and flower under a 600w hps. If your just starting out be patient. Don't over water or over nute. This can really set you back. Most potting soil has enough food for the first 30 days, adding additional nutes in this time period and you most likely will end up with a burned plant. I use fox farm ocean forest and add no nutes until after the first 30 days.

Brick Top

New Member
I'm no expert by any means, but I generally get 3 to 4 ounces per plant indoors. I veg under flo's and flower under a 600w hps.

That is respectable but he has to keep in mind that yield will vary, and can vary greatly, according to strain alone even before all the variable are factored in.

I am guessing that you grow indica or crosses that have at least a fairly high percentage of indica in them. I on the other hand have always been a sativa lover and they will yield less unless you have the height and the lighting to grow sequoia sized plants indoors or can grow outdoors and have a long growing season.

If your just starting out be patient. Don't over water or over nute. This can really set you back. Most potting soil has enough food for the first 30 days, adding additional nutes in this time period and you most likely will end up with a burned plant. I use fox farm ocean forest and add no nutes until after the first 30 days.

The be patient part is always good advice to give a noob. Like I always say Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Syracuse.

The part about the potting soil having enough nutrients for roughly 30 days I hope was not referring to potting soil with slow release fertilizer in it because that is horrible to use. As for initial feeding beans will have roughly 2 to 3 weeks of nutrients in them for a seedling to survive off. Not long after that feeding is needed but only with a reduced proportion, as in a one quarter or a one third feeding depending on the strain. Some are heavy feeders and will eat it up and others are not and they will burn and or die. But I am sure you already know all of that.