How much bigger will my plants get in flower, and bending plants over ???s


So I picked up 8 veging plants a couple weeks ago. They were all 18-28" in height. 4 were G13s, 2 were Aussie Blue, 1 WW, and one Blueberry Cough. I made clones off all these and theyre doing great. I needed an extra week to finish my flower room, so I put off transplanting and putting them into flower for one week. I also just watered instead of feed and water, thinking I didnt want to grow them much more, just hold them till the room was done. (Still learning, probably should have fed them for teh extra week.)

So I got the room done and the plants transpanted. The G13's were in slightly bigger buckets and they are fat bushy green little bushes. The other 4 were in slightly smaller pots, and they all strecthed a bit, and started suffering from potasium defiencinecy(diagnosed from the threads here at rollitup). The lower leaves were turning yellow with brown spots. I upped my bloom nutes and they are recoving fine, but of course, they are way thinner and taller. Right now, they are better they are probably close to 4'. I can raise my lights another foot or so, so I have probably 16" to play with. Do you think the plants will get much taller than that? There has been a huge growth spurt since I switched to 12/12 last wek. With probably 7 weeks to go, how long should i expect my growth to continue at this rate, and am I better trying to bend them a bit now and tan the sides and hope to slow the vertical growth? Whats your throught? Theyre under a 600 and 1000W air cooled HPS. You can hold your hand on teh glass, so I'm not to worried about them burning. Thanks all..


Active Member
Well, people say double to triple, but yours are not going to get 12 feet tall, don't worry. People who say they tend to grow small plants. which work better for yield and time, but I personaly can only have 12 plants os I need to make them count. I grew mine way to big. If you are having issues, a great way to make them stop growing is let them grow into the light for a day and they will stunt themselves shitlessly as to growing up. Or, snap the top. The cola won't be as amazing, but you will have less height issues. Or else you can try and LST them down, which is how I found out about snapping the tops (oops!). Either way, don't wait, the later you do it, the less effective it will be. If you snap the top at the start of flowering, it will take a while, but will make it and come back eventually. It won't be as amazing, but if you wanna see, my grow has a bunch of pics of what they look like. The colas actually pretty nice, a little fluffy because I waited to long and it stopped the growth but im afraid to try lst'ing it to much again.

In short, you can make them stop growing, just plan ahead and don't wait until it is an issue.