how meny days in darkness before harvest ????

Nice looking harvest by the way. Hmmm, looks like both of us uneducated Wisconsin morons can grow some good weed...


Whodathunk? :-)

looks nice to me BUT IM A FUCKING RETARD so you better get some smart ass to let you know if its good or not !!!!!!
i dont care if my shit i smoke taste like shit i'l just chew some gum
i'm after the HIGH for my body eakes and so i can slow down my brain that way maybe i wont go and try to find all the smart ass's out there and yes KILL THEM ALL,,, i wonder i have 10,000.00 dollars in audieo / video equipment wonder if the smart ass's could work all of this equipment with out EVER looking at a owners manule o not spell'ed right i bet sorry smart ass's
I never called you a retard, Uncle Roy. I said your weed looked good.

Do me a favor? Breathe.

Their words are just dots on a screen man, nothing more. When you lament, they feel elevated. It's sad really, but not on your end.

Besides, dead people can't get Hiiiiiiiiiiiiigh! :blsmoke: :eyesmoke:bongsmilie
to bag or to jar ????????????? this is the question of the day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

l100_1966.jpg100_1963.jpg100_1964.jpg100_1966.jpgplease vote which do you use for cureing ??????????????????????????


  • 100_1960.jpg
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i have what you call A " SUGAR MOMA" THATS THE ONLY REASON IM STILL ALIVE AND HAVE WHAT I HAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No adult rants on like this, obviously you are a compulsive liar. However I do believe you smoke dope all day. crack that is, on the street, and you sleep on someone's lawn or a grass field (landscaping bisniss you own?). Did you steal someone's phone with the internet? Oh, you are pretending to be a "bisniss" man? How cute! Why don't you make yourself useful, and go stock up on Brillo and glass straight shooters crack baby! While you are at it take a ESl class, or practice for your GED? Cause you are making other crack heads look really bad! God bless

i have what you call A "sugar moma" she's had the same gob 30 years, if it wasnt for her I WOULD BE IN A GUTTER IM SURE ok are you happy yet ???? niga mofo sorry no time to shop hade to start some fall clean up work at the condos yesterday stoned 80 dagrees sunny and 420 what could be better sorry YOU missed it :( :( :(
adult no,, 50 year old with a childs brain (l.d.) the reason for the bad spelling you said it,, no adult your words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe a 5th or 6th grader inside and 50 year old on the out side happy yet ????????????????????????????????????????????????
mr.chewberto chewberto chewbeto chewberto chewberto
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