how many water for 150 gallon bags


Active Member
I want to get peoples opinions on hoe much water to give for 150 gall grow bags i am doing 5 gall a day right now too much or not enough?


Well-Known Member
I want to get peoples opinions on hoe much water to give for 150 gall grow bags i am doing 5 gall a day right now too much or not enough?
You will probably end up finding that daily is too often......
You will have to get a feel for how fast the soil dries out, plant drinking, evaporation, etc.


Well-Known Member
Plant size,Aeration of soil,will differ at different stages of plants growth.So just saying 5g does not tell us alot....


Active Member
i usally water when the first 4 inches of the top of my soil is dryed out. Then i give them 5 gallons does that sound about right?


Active Member
I like to give enough water so that it dries out in at least 3-4 days. This helps get o2 into the soil on a regular basis and helps prevent root rot.


Well-Known Member
I gotta ask.... may be the medicated side of me speaking here... and hoping for pics on a 150 gal grow..

is it worth it...???


Active Member
thanks opm good info and 150 gal bags do great more space more roots deff give it a shot some time its also outdoor
thanks opm good info and 150 gal bags do great more space more roots deff give it a shot some time its also outdoor
I'm doing 200 gal. About 30% perlite. In Roots/Kellogg's PP. Depending on overnight humidity and day time temps. I'll do 5-10 gals every other day. In really depends on the size and vigor of the plant. I've had a few that took 12-15 gals every other day and some that took 3 gals, twice a week. (My plants are averaging 4' to 8' tall, 4' to 8' wide.

But to be safe, 5 gals every 2-3 days and drought them once in a while is what I would do for a 5ftx5ft plant:bigjoint:.


Active Member
Cool thank you 3rd that seems like pretty good way to go by ive been giveing them all that much and i think the smaller ones can probaly drink a little less good feedback

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
I feel the best way to tell if a plant is thirsty is by sight.

Every strain will be different, and it also depends on your soil mix.

But generally, the plant is communicating its needs, in this 3 dimensional reality, with very simple cues.

Carefully study your plants every day, and soon you will be able to read them, and speak their language.

For example, study them after a heavy watering, study them after not watering for a day or two, study them when its hot, study them in the morning, evening etc...

Soon you will see, the plant is going through different states of being, subtly changing with the surrounding environment.

And when they are thirsty, hungry or anything else, they will tell you!

At least this is how I garden...


Active Member
Thanks for the reply good advise i have 4 diff strain and it seems like they all need the complete opposite needs haha


Active Member
Hmmm ...
English was not this threads first language....

Still waiting for photos.
Yeah it's best to have the experience to read your plant. But experience takes time.

What's your plants sizes? What soil are you working with?


Active Member
This year i got some soil from a dirt farm i guess you could call it. It turned out to be horible really muddy and hard but some liked it and some did not. So next year im thinkin of goin with roots organics pro mix and ocean forest mix to give me a well balanced soil do you have experience with soil 3rd


Well-Known Member
I want to get peoples opinions on hoe much water to give for 150 gall grow bags i am doing 5 gall a day right now too much or not enough?
Just think, instead of a grow bag and pouring ridiculous amounts of water in them everyday you could of planted in the ground and when their roots got far enough in under they would pretty much water themselves, would only need to water when you feed. :roll:

Your outdoors, use natural resources..


Active Member
Very true jeff how big of hole should be dug and what kind of dirt should go in. I have never gone in ground but always wanted to


Well-Known Member
Well what i do is take a 5-10 gallon bag(s) I fill them up with my soil of choice then cut out the bottom and make a few slits on the sides for roots to travel outward as well and downward, the holes in the ground usually 1.5-2'+ maybe a lil deeper depending on which bag i use that way its raised above ground then stick the bag in and fill the sides in with dirt. Also before you put the bag in the ground loosen the dirt at the bottom of the hole, dont have to go deep deep maybe loosen the first half foot.