How many volts should a ballast put out?


Well-Known Member
I have had some troubles with my 1000w HPS Ballast. It is a older model. I tested it at the light cord socket and am getting around 380 volts. I unplugged the unit and fogged the room two hrs later it will not restart.


Well-Known Member
How did you test it if it was plugged in.

Scrub that, just figured out what you were talking about.


Well-Known Member
So explain some more, did you unplug the bulb cord and test the two pin output from the ballast?


Well-Known Member
Yes i unplugged the cord and tested at the ballast. Output was around 380v. Damn thing was working perfect. I had it unplugged for 2 hrs.


Well-Known Member
Them older ballasts dont like being switched on without a bulb plugged in.

When you plug your bulb in and fire it up, does it give you that usual bump sound then the buzz, as the big capacitor inside kicks up?


Well-Known Member
Im not sure, but it could have been spiking trying to fire a bulb, it takes a while after the ballast fires the bulb for it to settle in to a sweet spot and run efficiently.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the main capacitor in it is fucked. Either get a new ballast or try find a replacement capacitor on the net. There are a few sites selling them. If you know basic electronics then its a sinch to replace.

Added: in saying that, high ampere capacitors do have a tendency to hurt too if you connect with them when theyre charged up. I believe theyre like 16amp capacitors, ouch.


Well-Known Member
You can get capacitors, ignitors, pretty much any parts for ballasts at any good Hydro shop.


Well-Known Member
Well if it isnt making that usual bump hum sound then its prob the capacitor.


Well-Known Member
The ballast does sit and humm continous but the light never powers up. I tried two different bulbs with no luck. I know power is at the plug set since i tested both ends of the cord with a meter. I have no idea I just assume something inside the ballast is out. I was thinking maybe a ignitor?


Well-Known Member
Yeah probably the ignitor, if the capacitor is on its way it the bulb will still flick and u will here a clicking sound in the ballast.