How many under one light to maximise yield?


New Member
Hello, I'm currently growing using 8 x 600W HPS bulbs.
I basically grow one plant under one lamp so a total of 8 plants, i use the system called the "bubble box".

I have 4 systems, 2 plants in each which then have a bulb over each of them.

Im averaging around 7.5lb per harvest from this setup, roughly 15 from each plant (so 30 per system) roughly.

Ive been looking into upgrading to 1000w bulbs but ive been looking into putting more systems under one light if i do decide to upgrade, so instead of 1 bulb per light, using 1 1000w per say two sytems, ( 4 plants in total)

As i have never grown more than 1 plant per light im looking for some advice if i will get more yields? or is it worth sticking to 1 under 1.

If you can supercrop 1 plant and fill the canopy that is just as good as 4 plants to fill the canopy, the only thing to consider is the difference in veg time, you could probably haul close to the same yield with 4 smaller plants and maybe half the veg time, so you would get a couple extra harvests a year.
Pics? Just want to see the setup.

Light optimization is dependent upon height and resulting footprint
I wanna see 1 plant per bulb :D. I've went from getting 20+ oz per m/2 with nine plants to 1 plant per m/2, I don't know the yield yet but I'm hoping it will be about what ur getting.
Hello, I'm currently growing using 8 x 600W HPS bulbs.
I basically grow one plant under one lamp so a total of 8 plants, i use the system called the "bubble box".

I have 4 systems, 2 plants in each which then have a bulb over each of them.

Im averaging around 7.5lb per harvest from this setup, roughly 15 from each plant (so 30 per system) roughly.

Ive been looking into upgrading to 1000w bulbs but ive been looking into putting more systems under one light if i do decide to upgrade, so instead of 1 bulb per light, using 1 1000w per say two sytems, ( 4 plants in total)

As i have never grown more than 1 plant per light im looking for some advice if i will get more yields? or is it worth sticking to 1 under 1.

I think what you need to be doing is....EXPLAINING YOUR METHOD TO US MERE MORTALS.
What he said ^^^^^ almost a pound per 600w i dont know how much better you could do???? Thats far better than most...