"Christian" means what to you? ... and most likely means different things to different people, since being one is a personal choice...
Forcing my belief of what a christian should be, upon you, or any one else, would be un christ like, so not christian...
I think all peeps should worship whomever, what ever they want... Without judgement from me...
Christ lived 2000 or so years ago, his life should be praised....
Now, the rest of the bible [the pre Christ stuff]. well... not a very good history book...
The earth is not 6500 + years old... [millions of years]
The bible time line [going back through time] says God created the heavens and earth 6500 + 4 days... get it?
A Christian once told me: "God made the earth with all the bones and wonders from the stone age all ready here, ...In the begin ing god created the heavens and the earth... and he rested on the seventh day..."
So, God yes... Christians No....most christians that I have known [born into a christian home] believe the second coming of christ to be any day now...
Jesus yes... lived and walked on earth...
is he coming back... is the earth 6500 years old?
Is there a Santa...
It's only for you to figure out for your self...
Merry Christmas...