how many times have you....


Well-Known Member
I've never called in sick to wake and bake, but I've called in sick to have a session with some friends.


Well-Known Member
I'm with those guys, need money more than I need a buzz. I've called off to do things with friends like biggravy. But I have vac. days that I use when I need them.

Just wake-n-bake before work thats what I do.:bigjoint::peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
shit man i went 9 years having a cup of tea with a spliff in the bath before work. n i mean never missed a day. i don't now. but only as i stopped smoking tobacco.

i went to work ripped 3 days on the trot n told them i had pink eye. if ytou turn up on the first day tired looking with pink eye they generally just think thats how you look ( unless their a stoner in which case BONUS work spliffs! )


shit man i went 9 years having a cup of tea with a spliff in the bath before work. n i mean never missed a day. i don't now. but only as i stopped smoking tobacco.

i went to work ripped 3 days on the trot n told them i had pink eye. if ytou turn up on the first day tired looking with pink eye they generally just think thats how you look ( unless their a stoner in which case BONUS work spliffs! )
I called in sick today too actually, but since I quit smoking for a few days to lower my tolerance... No smoking. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
hehe, i own my own painting business. i get high everyday before i go to work. and i go to work when i feel like it, take lunch when i feel like it for as long as i feel, and go home when i see fit as well. and plenty of "trips for materials" to smoke during the day.

i love being me.


I get baked and work around the DEA, then play $40,000,000 Tetris by towing Gulfstream jets into hangars. Pushing it? Naaaaaah.


Well-Known Member
i went to work ripped 3 days on the trot n told them i had pink eye. if ytou turn up on the first day tired looking with pink eye they generally just think thats how you look

I worked with a friend that followed that line of thinking. He would come to work stoned and take one hitters all day and then finish up with a cigarette so nobody ever suspected anything. Every once in a while someone would mention something about his eyes being bloodshot or his stoner giggle and someone would say "he's not high - he is always like that."

Always made me laugh because he would always say that pot is the only thing that allowed him to cope with being a working class stiff.


Well-Known Member
I get baked and work around the DEA, then play $40,000,000 Tetris by towing Gulfstream jets into hangars. Pushing it? Naaaaaah.

I worked with a friend that followed that line of thinking. He would come to work stoned and take one hitters all day and then finish up with a cigarette so nobody ever suspected anything. Every once in a while someone would mention something about his eyes being bloodshot or his stoner giggle and someone would say "he's not high - he is always like that."

Always made me laugh because he would always say that pot is the only thing that allowed him to cope with being a working class stiff.
back when i worked for other people(eeewwww!) i would go to interviews high, first day high, ect so thats how they thought i looked. all id and drivers photos were snapped baked as well.


Im unemployed at the moment, and it sucks!
When i get another job im never gonna pull another sicky to get high, its just not worth it.

I dont really like going to work blazed either.. I get so paranoid lol

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Fuck, I love being me too.
Although I don't have the luxury of calling in sick cuz I set my own schedule.
I wake up, most mornings I get laid, then smoke, shower, smoke some more, grab some food, then go be a geek for a while. Then I come home, sit in my back porch and watch the sunset...its awesome, here's a pic:



Well-Known Member
Ive gone to every job Ive had high. Even when I had to wake up at 3:30 in the morning I would still wake n bake.