how many times have you smoked?


Well-Known Member
So i wanna know how many times people think they've smoke. Just put a rough estimate on how many times you think you have smoked in your life.

Me, probably about............1000-2500 times.....maybe more?



Well-Known Member
like 1000/yr

10-15k times

damn, that's a lot of weed, figure ~0.25g of kind bud each smoke, that's ~3kg of good pot


~6 times a day.
~42 times a week
~180 times a month
~2,190 times a year

Smoked for a good 5 years so...
~10,950 times I have smoked.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Are we talking today? lol. Or daily, weekly, monthly. Shit, I can't count that high, lol. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I lost count at 1

Bud I'd assume it's at least 2500-3000 thymes.

well that's about 300 thymes, I'd say you probably have quite a large backyard!

sorry, but I just thought the idea of several thousand thymes would be a funny picture.


Well-Known Member
how do i figure this out?? shit umm lets see atleast 300 days a year for 5 years so around 1500. but i smoke more than alot more than once a day so lets make that 4500