How many times do you defoliate?

Yeah, GG4 is especially prone to HPLVD, but it's such a nice strain. It's like playing with the Devil. I have it in my garden now.
I finally lost a KK jackpot pheno infected with that. I had kept her because she was so good. I've got a JW cut of GG#4 on my table I selfed and within 10 seeds I found her again but the habit wasn't quite as good. I still have a clone of the original (many generations removed) and I'm going to reverse her again this winter. My plants are still clean but I'm terrified of that shit. I keep toying with getting into tissue culturing. But I have so many irons in the fire.

Edited to add:
@canndo 's tissue culture thread with pics(good read):
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Havent defoliated at all.

2 plants in a single scrog 1m x 0.8m

I stripped underneath the scrog to an extent (lollipopped) but haven’t removed any foliage from above the screen.