How many times can you clone?


Well-Known Member
post this on 420 i dare ya ill even link you my thread so you can post it you will get laughed off the webpage there is no way in hell that a clone could change well i lie if you put it in shiy grow room you may not get what every1 eles will due to hermies and factors like that but if you have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seed out the female for a few seasons but taking a clone from a clone from a clone is always going to be the same i have many mates that keeps clones from clones for almost 12 years now and its still the same
I bet you couldn't count to 12 without taking your shoes off.

“I doubt you can understand the magnitude of the stupidity in your statement”
Robert Jordan


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI you should not listen to anything rob333 has to say. his posts don't even make sense.
EXample; "ifyou have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seedout the female for a few seasons but taking a clonefrom a clone from a clone is always goingto be the same"

This statement is the rantings of s crazy man, don't like that post. a clone from a mother is going to have the same genetics as the mother

This Robb333 person doesn't even understand basic grow methods. To top it all off this person defended himself on another thread by posting someone else's journal from 420magazine forum as his own. at least that's what the evidence says, furthermore the journal he posted starts out saying "this is my firs solo grow" right so the person who had been growing for 12 years is just now doing his first solo grow. He also says here he does not keep a mother yet in this journal he claims as his own he has a mother. any posts you see by this user should be regarded as hose manure. this person is fake and has very little knowledge of any real grow scenerios.

trollitup up br3h
i think some one is jelly


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI you should not listen to anything rob333 has to say. his posts don't even make sense.
EXample; "ifyou have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seedout the female for a few seasons but taking a clonefrom a clone from a clone is always goingto be the same"

This statement is the rantings of s crazy man, don't like that post. a clone from a mother is going to have the same genetics as the mother

This Robb333 person doesn't even understand basic grow methods. To top it all off this person defended himself on another thread by posting someone else's journal from 420magazine forum as his own. at least that's what the evidence says, furthermore the journal he posted starts out saying "this is my firs solo grow" right so the person who had been growing for 12 years is just now doing his first solo grow. He also says here he does not keep a mother yet in this journal he claims as his own he has a mother. any posts you see by this user should be regarded as hose manure. this person is fake and has very little knowledge of any real grow scenerios.

trollitup up br3h
FYI LOL what the fuck are u a uni girl btw fyi its grass city the above post is from get it right dip shit its not my fault u are fucking stupid 8 year old clone of a clone of a clone of a clone your theory does not make sense



Well-Known Member
rob333 said:
and yes you do use a male plant to seed a female is common fucking sense you twat
how bout you bring some input to the table i have not seen shit from you all i have seen is how i am wrong how bout you lay down some true info not just what some uni guy said

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
look out we have a meme monster
Come on Rob you've called me that a few times lol. Gotta get more creative :). But seriously maybe write down what you have to say, read it, then just maybe you'll say "fuck was I just about to say that". And did you really steal someone else's grow as your own? That would be really pathetic lol.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
look out we have a meme monster

how bout you bring some input to the table i have not seen shit from you all i have seen is how i am wrong how bout you lay down some true info not just what some uni guy said

i have been on riu for 9 soooooo that would be 9 years of growing 3 years be4 that i started ;)

FYI LOL what the fuck are u a uni girl btw fyi its grass city the above post is from get it right dip shit its not my fault u are fucking stupid 8 year old clone of a clone of a clone of a clone your theory does not make sense


Well-Known Member
FYI LOL what the fuck are u a uni girl btw fyi its grass city the above post is from get it right dip shit its not my fault u are fucking stupid 8 year old clone of a clone of a clone of a clone your theory does not make sense
Dude I was referring to a different thread where you couldn't figure out what people were talking about and got your ass up on your shoulders about it. Is English your first language? Since you called me a dip shit and stupid. I feel ok with calling you a clever name. hmmm what shall it be.

Settle down you little cock grabber so what if I am a uni girl at least I can comprehend the fact that I'm not gods gift to the growing community and know all while spouting out cockney jackassery and false information. Done with you, hope you figure it out soon because the way you act and information you spread is not beneficial to the people who are actually here to learn and have civil conversation about grow topics. Good Day Sir.
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Well-Known Member
i have been on riu for 9 soooooo that would be 9 years of growing 3 years be4 that i started ;)
you joined 10/09 it's 11/16 = 9yrs? You must've been the kid on the short bus licking the windows on your way to school.
lolol herion a hell of a drug ;) :) :)
you gunna ride someone ass on a miss type you are a real champion you are lol
Another miss type? Whatever that is.

post this on 420 i dare ya ill even link you my thread so you can post it you will get laughed off the webpage there is no way in hell that a clone could change well i lie if you put it in shiy grow room you may not get what every1 eles will due to hermies and factors like that but if you have a pure clone it will stay that genetics it is not gunna grow its mother genetics unless you seed out the female for a few seasons but taking a clone from a clone from a clone is always going to be the same i have many mates that keeps clones from clones for almost 12 years now and its still the same
Nuff said
how bout you bring some input to the table i have not seen shit from you all i have seen is how i am wrong how bout you lay down some true info not just what some uni guy said
It wouldn't matter what info I posted, you wouldn't be capable of comprehension. If very simple first grade mathematics elude you, how would you have any valid input on the possibility of genetic drift?
lol 9 years of growing clones will win it take 30 days for a seed to mature so that 30 days of no flowering if you take a clone and run 12/12 by week 2 it will be budding so there fore seeds will be 30 days behind a clone
Here's your first post talking about how long it takes for seeds to mature. Not remotely close to anything being debated, just incoherent babble. You're very fortunate in that nature has protected you by making so moronic you are blissfully unaware of the depths of your stupidity.
ok...i have a question. I do the same thing as the OP. EXCEPT i clone @ harvest. so i reveg a cutting, it explodes after the extra week and by the time the next plants are done, its ready to flower. i rotate 6 strains 2 of each. but can only have 12 plants. i dont know why i do it this way, or ended up. it doesnt even make sense when i write it out.