How many times a day do you shit?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Mine only last for a long time if i'm sick. The 2 I had today were maybe 1-2 minutes each. Sit down, do my business for a minute or two, then get on with my day. I never understood people who take an hour to dump a turd. If i'm sitting there for an hour it's because something is not working right.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
hell me and my friends discuss our shitting habits and we're all under 30. i actually shit an average of 4 times a day. yes 4. sometimes as much as 7. even if i go a whole day without eating i shit this way. i actually get what some people would refer to as "the shits" about 4 times a week. it's apparently normal for me so no worries. the doctors never find anything wrong with me. i have a friend who only shits once every 3 days and he says they are like little rock hard rabbit turds. his doctor says this is normal for him. apparently it's only worrisome if there is a sudden change in one's normal bowel habits. also i haven't had to "force" a shit in almost 10 years. i say if you have to push then you don't really have to shit.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Understood everyone shits but its disgusting to sit here and conversate about it..Go to your doctor with that shit.Im grown up and i dont want to hear men talk about shit amongst eachother...Thats immature..
dude grow up. immature? i just saw a thread the other day about whether or not plants get scared of us because they know they will be killed and smoked...there is nothing immature about a frank discussion about body functions. me and my friends talk about all kinds of stuff because we don't all have big poles up our asses. don't you know that everybody poops?


Well-Known Member
Some of my favorite time of day is poop time......First thing in the morning.....and usually after dinner as well.......I know a guy who only shits once a week or so he says......But when he shits its like a fuckin greyhound bus.......I'm like dude doesn't that hurt? He says yeah but it feels good right after.....LOL.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Some of my favorite time of day is poop time......First thing in the morning.....and usually after dinner as well.......I know a guy who only shits once a week or so he says......But when he shits its like a fuckin greyhound bus.......I'm like dude doesn't that hurt? He says yeah but it feels good right after.....LOL.
lol. introducing the new biggest thread in riu history...maybe not but good stuff anyway.


Well-Known Member
Understood everyone shits but its disgusting to sit here and conversate about it..Go to your doctor with that shit.Im grown up and i dont want to hear men talk about shit amongst eachother...Thats immature..
Begs the question - why did you click on a thread entitled "How many times a day do you shit?" if you don't want to hear it?

Take the wall down man, if you can't talk about shitting with random people from the internet, it really makes me wonder how you operate in daily life..


Well-Known Member
did you know the color of your turd can tell alot about your health.......not going to list it all but just google it you will find a page by a doctor and pics to show color and what it means


Well-Known Member
did you know the color of your turd can tell alot about your health.......not going to list it all but just google it you will find a page by a doctor and pics to show color and what it means
I've always wondered the meaning. What should I google exactly? "shit color meaning"...?


Well-Known Member
always after the morning bong, and sometimes in the evening if i ate alot my grandma is a nurse, she claims you should go morning and night and it should be solid. If u gotta push, drink more water lmfao
Liar! Girls don't poop. :-|


Pickle Queen
lmfao well if i don't poo or fart what happens to the food i eat?

And why do men , well mine find it ok to drop a deuce when i'm in the shower or any other time i'm in the bathroom?? And even if i have the door closed because i'm going pee he finds the need to walk in and start telling me something?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
lmfao well if i don't poo or fart what happens to the food i eat?

And why do men , well mine find it ok to drop a deuce when i'm in the shower or any other time i'm in the bathroom?? And even if i have the door closed because i'm going pee he finds the need to walk in and start telling me something?
I don't like pooping in front of other people. That includes people in the shower. I grew up in a one bathroom house, and you gotta do what you gotta do, so i've been on both sides of the curtain many times.