How many times a day do you shit?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Been having this discussion with people in real life. Some say once per day, though not everyday so like 5 times a week. Others say after every meal.

I say pretty much after every meal, and a few others. I would say I normally poop 4 times every day.

About to go fire off round 1...



Active Member
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! This is not the thread to open after you just finished a bowl!! :leaf: Word


Well-Known Member
Twice a day... for some reason in the morning right after I toke a bowl, it's deuce time. Also like clockwork, everytime I get back from Thai Boxing and have my shake and shower... I gotta deuce hahaha.

But every time I go to shit, I hit a bowl first. Let it kick in while I'm firing off hahahahahahaha

Fucking weird habits are weeeeeeeiiird


Well-Known Member
I'm with Benassi, like twice a day..... and its like clockwork too... Always when I first wake up, and normally an hour after dinner.


Well-Known Member
Depends on how much "shit" I ate the night before! An extended munchie session can lead to many trips to the potty.


Pickle Queen
always after the morning bong, and sometimes in the evening if i ate alot my grandma is a nurse, she claims you should go morning and night and it should be solid. If u gotta push, drink more water lmfao


Well-Known Member
Somewhere in the range of 1-3 times a day I'd guess.

Morning, break time, usually around 4 or 5ish, then sometimes before I knock out, makes sleep much better.


Well-Known Member
morning after wake and bake...night before I crash.......but but I like to get on the bathroom scales weigh myself.......take a shit and weigh myself again to see how much shit I got rid of...........Well when Im fucking stoned I do it LOL


Well-Known Member
The people that are all "oh ew" grow the fuck up, were all adults (should be anyway) and this is a valid topic even if it's not the norm... Even girls are postin in this thread, so everyone needs to chill, because EVERYONE shits. Yea even that hot girl you saw lastnight, she shits too.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Chill out everyone. Shit happens. Why not discuss it? The topic certainly comes up when you live with people, or spend an appreciable amount of time with them.

Oh honey, are you ok?
Yeah just pooping.
Again?! Didn't you poop earlier today?
Yeah. It happens again and again.

I just fired off round 2 for the day.
The people that are all "oh ew" grow the fuck up, were all adults (should be anyway) and this is a valid topic even if it's not the norm... Even girls are postin in this thread, so everyone needs to chill, because EVERYONE shits. Yea even that hot girl you saw lastnight, she shits too.
Understood everyone shits but its disgusting to sit here and conversate about it..Go to your doctor with that shit.Im grown up and i dont want to hear men talk about shit amongst eachother...Thats immature..