How many seeds should I plant

I know this sounds like a noob question but hear me out. I just got a pack of these brothers Grimm c99 seeds and I’m super exited. It came in a pack of 12 seeds. I am a newer grower and really feel like these genetics are going to be good so I don’t wanna mess something up and loose the genetics or shell out additional money for more seeds . Should I plant them all as the whole purpose of growing is to find your plants that you like or should I wait and try and save some of the original genetics. I’m also worried about my first yield as these are regular seeds. I planted 6 already and 1 didn’t make it so that’s 5 and some are going to be males. I could potentially only have 2-3 females and my first yield will be poop. Any advice ?
I know this sounds like a noob question but hear me out. I just got a pack of these brothers Grimm c99 seeds and I’m super exited. It came in a pack of 12 seeds. I am a newer grower and really feel like these genetics are going to be good so I don’t wanna mess something up and loose the genetics or shell out additional money for more seeds . Should I plant them all as the whole purpose of growing is to find your plants that you like or should I wait and try and save some of the original genetics. I’m also worried about my first yield as these are regular seeds. I planted 6 already and 1 didn’t make it so that’s 5 and some are going to be males. I could potentially only have 2-3 females and my first yield will be poop. Any advice ?
I have found since I started growing it depends how big you wanna let them get or how easy you make doing daily things. I have 5 and 4 of them are slightly big. It's a lot of lifting if you dont have them in a set place where they dont need to move.
I know this sounds like a noob question but hear me out. I just got a pack of these brothers Grimm c99 seeds and I’m super exited. It came in a pack of 12 seeds. I am a newer grower and really feel like these genetics are going to be good so I don’t wanna mess something up and loose the genetics or shell out additional money for more seeds . Should I plant them all as the whole purpose of growing is to find your plants that you like or should I wait and try and save some of the original genetics. I’m also worried about my first yield as these are regular seeds. I planted 6 already and 1 didn’t make it so that’s 5 and some are going to be males. I could potentially only have 2-3 females and my first yield will be poop. Any advice ?
If I were you I'd start 3-4 more seedlings than you originally have planned for. Reason being is some might be duds. Germinating is never 100%. But if the all pop, than just grow and reap the rewards of the "back up seedlings" . Or trade them off, sell a couple to a buddy maybe.