How Many Plants Can One 1,000 Watt HID Light Handle?

C Moore

I'm about to attempt to grow 24 Plants (Barney's Farm LSD Femnized) using 2 of 16 plant Superponics systems. Using only one 1,000 watt HID HPS/MH Light fixture in my grow room. My question for the experienced Hydro Growers will just that one 1,000 watt light be efficient enough for all 24 plants. If not how many plants should I or can I grow using just that one 1,000 watt light alone?? All experienced knowledgable Suggestions are welcome!!
i dont think this is really an advanced question. didnt i just see this thread in another section too? i think it will work if you keep them really small.
I'm new 2 R.I.U. so I didn't know exactly where 2 post the question.. But yea I'm aiming for the highest yield possible an I'm buying 2 16-plant site Superponics systems, so I'm going 2 have a total of 32 plant sites in all, but I'm only goin to use 24 on them.. 12 on each system to provide more room for my girls.. Does that method sound about right??
like i said if you keep them small it should work but really you can get the same anount of bud off of one plant that you can with 20 plants. its just a matter of how long you veg. 24 plants is kinda pushing the limits of that light. you could get a better yeild with less plants. but i guess it could work too. i wouldnt veg for more than 2-3 weeks though
Simple answer Yes.

The light is actually more than what you'd probably need. Since a 1000w HID covers about 4'x4' area with optimal lighting for the plants.. but you'd probably be better off with 2 400w's (one over each growing area) since you're only using roughly 29"x44" area for the growing area and since they're more setup for close proximity of each plant you're better off running a SoG for each area. If you wanted to go down that road.
Smoke bros, why only 12-16? I thought about cutting it down to just 20.. Basically the less crowed the plants are the higher the yield per plant right?
also depends on if you top/prune them

those holes are very close together. so you could do SOG (keep them single pole and remove most of the branches) and just do colas on each plant. or use less holes and less plants and grow bigger bushes.

here in OR we have a 6 plant limit on medical, so its better to grow fewer plants bigger.
Yea I thought about doin the SOG Method but I've already purchased the Superponics system primarily because it says it's fully automated meaing I wouldn't have to be at home to constantly monitor it. I might just stick with 20 of Barneys Farm LSD feminized because it says it has a medium to short height with a high thc content of "24%" an high yields, using just 10 plant sites on each system even though it has 16 sites on each to space em' out... How does that sound?
yeah that sounds like it could work. are you using feminized seeds or clones? or just reg seeds? that system looks pretty cool. kinda pricy though. you could build one for a lot cheaper. im also doing a dwc for the first time. and using the same nutes. the recipee for success. cool man.
Yea I'm going with Barneys LSD feminized seeds, but the Superponics system is kind of pricey but it I think it's worth it.. Being a automated hydro system claiming 2 grow my plants twice as fast than any other hydro method with 16 plants sites, nutes, ph control etc for just 299 kinda convienient for me considering me being a rookie grower and all! Lol
In a vertical set up you can easily fit 60 plants (2.5 gal buckets) optimum and up to 80 plants hydro yielding 1-2oz dry each with a 1K in a 4ft square space. Heath Robinson has led the way, search his post in this forum. That's around 3Kg (6 pounds) of weed @ 1oz each so check it out
Here is a shot of my last grow 35 days into bloom 75 plants under two lights. I have done 4 per sq foot which is 64 plants and get even better results . Have heard of people doing 9 per foot too.

In a vertical set up you can easily fit 60 plants (2.5 gal buckets) optimum and up to 80 plants hydro yielding 1-2oz dry each with a 1K in a 4ft square space. Heath Robinson has led the way, search his post in this forum. That's around 3Kg (6 pounds) of weed @ 1oz each so check it out

160 ozs with a 1k lamp. i really doubt it dude. 4480 grams thats over 4 grams per watt. id like to see that
160 ozs with a 1k lamp. i really doubt it dude. 4480 grams thats over 4 grams per watt. id like to see that

Check out some of the vertical grows. With a 12/12 schedule you can easily DOUBLE that yield with a light mover switching location every 12 hours. Obviously you would need twice as much space.

Grams per watt isn't a very accurate method of measurements because you could cram 5000 plants (on the walls and floor) in a 50'x10'x10' space with ONE 1000 watt light and a light mover. If each plant only yielded 5 grams, thats a whopping 25 grams per watt. (Of shitty bud)
dude i dont care what you say. anything over 2 grams per watt is almost unheard of no matter what kind of setup you have. a light can only do so much