how many plants can I grow ?


Hey guys, my idea is to grow with hydroponics.
Area - 1 square meter
Lightening: 250w HPS
all I want to know is - How many plants ussually people set under 250w hps if they are growing with hydroponics. I know that if u are growing in the soil, then it must be about 4 plants. But what about hydroponics?\
Thanks brothas'


I guess about the same, it depends if you want big or small plants, around 4-6. Some hydro kits are very compact.


thanks zakola, just appeared a new question, if it's possible to grow plant in hydroponics (from seed) not froom clone?

Dr Thc

6 max if its a sativa dominent strain, and 4 if indica dominent! :-D 6 can be some hell of a work, to get llight to the bottum.. is it a tent??



New Member
I think 1 tree in a 5 gallon dwc, or 2 decent sized bushes... up to 4 autos or something.

If I was going to do 6 with a 250w in that space I would think about 12/12 from clone in ebb n flo or aero and lollipop, but I think 6 is too many.