How many people throw away trim?

Would you throw away trim??


    Votes: 44 81.5%
  • Always

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • Don't grow, so I don't know

    Votes: 2 3.7%

  • Total voters

i really thought that by masturbating to pictures of your mom and sis, you would realize how cool i am.

guess not.
What a scumbag. I have this mental picture of you.
that fat greasy slob from that shitty movie "gamer".
Just shoving KFC in your mouth, and talking shit to people all day.
Find JESUS, heathen.
What a scumbag. I have this mental picture of you.
that fat greasy slob from that shitty movie "gamer".
Just shoving KFC in your mouth, and talking shit to people all day.
Find JESUS, heathen.

way off, jesus fellater.

I save roaches too but not that much!! I don't like it when they get too dry and always get rid of the charred bits.

I felt like crying when Tip Top showed me a picture of nugs in some soup... He had so much weed he didn't know what to do with it. HAD. Conserve! Stash away! You don't know how you'll feel if one day you're not so privileged anymore. I always had at least 2 ounces sitting around and stashed away weed over the course of 3 years, kept hiding it for me to find later in my room. And then my dad stole it all. I was so thankful I still had a tin full of roaches and a Baggie of shake in my piggy bank...

i'd be annoyed and a bit amused if my dad took my stash. unless he tossed it out of course.

the reason i haven't tossed those roaches is i have been without pot before, and i would have been very grateful to have a bunch of roach pot. it's my just in case stash. you never know. :)
Why the fuck would you save those? LOL looks like you are all ready for Dec 21st! LOL

there shold have been a choice for sometimes! I use to keep it all now I toss it most of the time!

i'm a loyal stern fan since 1995! :)
not so much of a big fan anymore but i still listen all 3 days he's on.
He tossed it along with my turbo flame lighter, my pipes, my screens, my film canister full of kief, my shake I was going to bake with, my hello kitty tins, two of my grinders, 2000 assorted rolling papers, blunt wraps and a bunch of my favorite cheaper lighters. Even my Ma thought it was out of order but I have to just carry on and act all nice to him and buy him Christmas birthday presents when he threw away a lot of money's worth. My Ma had specifically asked me to cut down on the skunk and then he takes 3/4 of an ounce of my Thai!!!

Buck just lost my respect. You used to be an anti troll crusader with a sense of humor but not it's just tastless juvenility 24/7
He tossed it along with my turbo flame lighter, my pipes, my screens, my film canister full of kief, my shake I was going to bake with, my hello kitty tins, two of my grinders, 2000 assorted rolling papers, blunt wraps and a bunch of my favorite cheaper lighters. Even my Ma thought it was out of order but I have to just carry on and act all nice to him and buy him Christmas birthday presents when he threw away a lot of money's worth. My Ma had specifically asked me to cut down on the skunk and then he takes 3/4 of an ounce of my Thai!!!

Buck just lost my respect. You used to be an anti troll crusader with a sense of humor but not it's just tastless juvenility 24/7

what a dick move.

it sucks if you have to pretend you aren't pissed.
He tossed it along with my turbo flame lighter, my pipes, my screens, my film canister full of kief, my shake I was going to bake with, my hello kitty tins, two of my grinders, 2000 assorted rolling papers, blunt wraps and a bunch of my favorite cheaper lighters. Even my Ma thought it was out of order but I have to just carry on and act all nice to him and buy him Christmas birthday presents when he threw away a lot of money's worth. My Ma had specifically asked me to cut down on the skunk and then he takes 3/4 of an ounce of my Thai!!!

Buck just lost my respect. You used to be an anti troll crusader with a sense of humor but not it's just tastless juvenility 24/7
Damn. That sucks. My step-dad went in my room one time when I lived at home, and he didn't even find everything he just found like a 20 bag and no pipes or nothing, and he took it downstairs and showed my mom. She told him "Don't take things that don't belong to you!!!" :lol:
Hey Kuri, PM me your address and I will anonymously mail some shit to you for xmas. I have ass loads of hash. More than I can possibly use before next harvest, when I will be loaded with trim yet again.