How Many People Need To Believe The World Is A Ball?


Elite Rolling Society
So you are supposing that reality is what the majority of us believe it is? I agree.
And it might be so, but there is also each ones individual reality.

A Budhist sincerely believes he can pray on his prayer beads, and that a Higher Power hears his prayers and answers them.

Mother Teresa and the Pope and all catholics sincerely believe they can pray on their prayer beads, the rosary, and that a Higher Power hears their prayers and answers them.

Billy Graham thinks the Budhist and Catholic are crazy to use the prayer beads and and he prays without any beads and yet he beleives sincerely that his Higher Power hears and answers his prayers.

A Pentecostal Holiness Preacher can "pray in tounges" repeating jiberish over and over and he beleives sincerely that his Higher Power hears and answers his prayers.

They all beleive it, it is reality to them all, yet each has their own distinctly different reality.


Elite Rolling Society
Darkness does not really exist. Darkness is just the evidence of the absence of LIGHT.
You can bring LIGHT to Darkness, but you can not bring DARKNESS to LIGHT without eliminating the Light..


Elite Rolling Society
And, you know,
after a lot of study and research,

I am beginning to think that the
"HOKEY POKEY" really is what it is all about.


Well-Known Member
So you are supposing that reality is what the majority of us believe it is? I agree.
And it might be so, but there is also each ones individual reality.

A Budhist sincerely believes he can pray on his prayer beads, and that a Higher Power hears his prayers and answers them.

Mother Teresa and the Pope and all catholics sincerely believe they can pray on their prayer beads, the rosary, and that a Higher Power hears their prayers and answers them.

Billy Graham thinks the Budhist and Catholic are crazy to use the prayer beads and and he prays without any beads and yet he beleives sincerely that his Higher Power hears and answers his prayers.

A Pentecostal Holiness Preacher can "pray in tounges" repeating jiberish over and over and he beleives sincerely that his Higher Power hears and answers his prayers.

They all beleive it, it is reality to them all, yet each has their own distinctly different reality.
Your comment about Buddhists couldnt be furthur from the truth. Malas are simply used for counting during meditation when reciting mantras. Gautama Buddha recommended them for lay practitioners. Tibetan Buddhists might pray to dieties but thier beliefs aren't anything like the abrahamic faith which everyone here loves to shit on.(keep it up, its great entertainment)I consider myself non-thiest and Im even taken back by the ignorance that is slung around by both sides of the athiest vs. god believers. Its rediculous. I know creationists are fun to play with but not all followers of religion or rather spirituality are that naive.


Elite Rolling Society
For 1,000 years, most beleivers were Jewish.

Then, we evolved to Christianity and were the majority for a very long time..

Now Muslims are the fastest growing religion in the world and are the majority..


Ok, let me try to understand what you guys are saying: different persons experience different realities. If this is the answer you mean, I don't think it makes any sense because there is no substance to the argument. Sure, we all have different experiences throughout our different lives, but isn't there some sort of reality that we are all part of that is not just personal experience or belief? Can't we say that we all exist in the same space-time continuum and that is how we should define what actually exists?