How many People does it take to screw in a light bulb?


Well-Known Member
Ok so now that i have your attention:

I was wondering who actually DOESN'T smoke?...I know a few dealers and growers that don't smoke at all, they're just in it for the money.

Please no stupid's merely a QUESTION!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so now that i have your attention:

I was wondering who actually DOESN'T smoke?...I know a few dealers and growers that don't smoke at all, they're just in it for the money.

Please no stupid's merely a QUESTION!!
I would guess that most of the LEO's that visit the site dont smoke.

But I bet a bunch do to get awesome advice on how to grow their own :bigjoint:


Active Member
I knew a dealer who didn't smoke later i found out he had quit for security. I think dealers end up quitting - or that was my experience.


Well-Known Member
I grow for personal use only. I've never had a dealer I didnt sit down and smoke a joint with before I bought any weed from him. It's just custom...


Well-Known Member
i quit 4-20 because i was diagnosed with bronkitis and still have symptoms of it right now...
Make some brownies homie...Theres no reason you should miss out, plus it would probably ease the pain and symptoms of your bronkitis instead of making them worse like smoking does...:peace: