How many passive intakes?


Well-Known Member
20140803_072252.jpg 20140803_072252.jpg 20140803_072311.jpg 20140802_130406.jpg So I have a 3.5x4.25x8" closet with a 400w and 381 6" can. Will these two 6" holes be enough passive intake or you think I'll need a third? I know duct has bends in it but certain circumstances made me do it like that. 20140803_072311.jpg 20140802_130406.jpg


Well-Known Member
Should be enough. Run the light and see how warm it gets in there. Then you'll know for sure. I don't see a filter. You'll need one if you're not legal.


Well-Known Member
I'm working on getting that fixed right now I just got that put up lol do you think that's enough passive intakes?


Well-Known Member
I have one just not put up, and it's like 76° in there I didn't know if I drilled one more for more fresh air if that would be overkill..

Should be enough. Run the light and see how warm it gets in there. Then you'll know for sure. I don't see a filter. You'll need one if you're not legal.


Well-Known Member
As long as light leaks aren't an issue, your passive intake can be as great as the equivalent of the surface area of your box.


Well-Known Member
After you install your filter it will restrict the pull from your fan.
I'd throw it all up then check temp
If it holds steady where you want it youll have your answer
Jmo fwiw


If your able to you should consider some passive intakes on the floor to allow cool air to rise up past the plants then exiting your exhaust system. I use a 9in. Metal high velocity fan mounted ontop and 6 3in. Passive intakes on the floor that work great. If you have any old cpu fans they work great as powered intake fans.