How many Ounces can i get?

you're asking a question that's been asked and answered ad infinitum. there's no way to answer it accurately. there are way too many variables. the genetics of the plant, the conditions in your grow room, your ability as a grower, the quality of your water, just way too many variables to give anything like an accurate answer.
they look pretty healthy, just keep doing what your doing for now, and keep reading. Pot Books/
you're asking a question that's been asked and answered ad infinitum. there's no way to answer it accurately. there are way too many variables. the genetics of the plant, the conditions in your grow room, your ability as a grower, the quality of your water, just way too many variables to give anything like an accurate answer.
they look pretty healthy, just keep doing what your doing for now, and keep reading. Pot Books/
i know was kinda a silly question but thought ill ask.
Thanks i will add more as they grow.
Im looking to grow some black domina next as it dont smell bad and is a 5/6 week finish & she grows to be small & bushy.

its in my loft as you can see. i think i need a tent as i see small particles getting blown everywhere (dust) by the fan and when it flowers i dont want to wash it but then again i dont want dust etc in my finished product.

I was just asking about how many ounces what because i have been told organics dont produce much flower & not a high THC as other methods. not sure if this is BS
organics can produce just fine, and be just as potent as any other growing style.
you just have to research it and do it right. don't rely on bro science, look things up, talk to established organic gardeners.
Thanks for the advice brother!

one question i do have thats been bugging me is that every time i adjust my water PH to like 6.2 the add the organic nutes it shoots it down to like 4.5ish and i can never seem to bring it back up?
I spoke to bio bizz and the just said after you add ur nutes add a stone bubblier to the water & nutes mix & will bring the PH back up so may try this see if it works as i dont really want to add PH-+ to an organic grow? or can i?

what water for feed with nutes is better for the plants to use RO water or rain water.

My tap water comes out at like 9
if you can collect enough rain water, i'd go with that. rain is usually in the 7.0ish range. add your nutes to your water, then adjust the ph.
i've never used biobiz, they may have some kind of buffer. adding air to water makes ph go down. you can see it, just stick your ph meter in a busket of water, see what it says, then stir the water up good with a stick. it'll drop at least a couple of points just adding that much oxygen. there may be something weird about their nutes i'm not aware of, but i've never seen oxygenated waters ph go up
That plant was vegged for 3 months? That alone shows there's a huge problem somewhere. That looks like a 3 or 4 week veg plant, at 3 months a plant could be very large
Ignore all these idiots being rude, I'll give you the best tip you'll ever get. If you want to double your yield put a mirror in the room, that will easily get you about 2 pound.

Na all jokes aside, forget the mirror, with that set-up you'll likely be in the ball park of about a pound.

Ok, seriously. With your experience be happy with anything between 3-5oz per plant. Look into topping if you want to closer ensure 5+. Well, coco helps a lot too...
I grew 8 autos for 12 oz and i grew 3 photos for 15 oz all in a 4 x 4. There are too many variables. GRow it and enjoy whatever harvest you get. :)

Research topping and cropping as Flowki said.

As you develop your skills you will be able to decide if you want to grow more plants and veg less or less plants and veg longer.

How much will i get is an impossible to answer question really.
Thanks for the advice brother!

one question i do have thats been bugging me is that every time i adjust my water PH to like 6.2 the add the organic nutes it shoots it down to like 4.5ish and i can never seem to bring it back up?
I spoke to bio bizz and the just said after you add ur nutes add a stone bubblier to the water & nutes mix & will bring the PH back up so may try this see if it works as i dont really want to add PH-+ to an organic grow? or can i?

what water for feed with nutes is better for the plants to use RO water or rain water.

My tap water comes out at like 9

Stop PH adjusting your water before adding nutes. Add your solution in proper order, mix it good, bubble it if you want, take a reading then adjust PH if necessary. Baking soda is a PH Upper I use with good success if absolutely necessary. I don't have issues though with low PH.

Oh, and you'll yield around 14 oz. :weed:
That plant was vegged for 3 months? That alone shows there's a huge problem somewhere. That looks like a 3 or 4 week veg plant, at 3 months a plant could be very large
i kept her short topped her and kept the stem at a T shape with strings holding it down she is bushy trust i will add few more pics as she has alot of new branches growing plus she didnt get any nutes in veg only a tiny bit. this is why she maybe looks short & my angle of the pic was not great
if you can collect enough rain water, i'd go with that. rain is usually in the 7.0ish range. add your nutes to your water, then adjust the ph.
i've never used biobiz, they may have some kind of buffer. adding air to water makes ph go down. you can see it, just stick your ph meter in a busket of water, see what it says, then stir the water up good with a stick. it'll drop at least a couple of points just adding that much oxygen. there may be something weird about their nutes i'm not aware of, but i've never seen oxygenated waters ph go up
i know its new to me, the guy said the oxygen in thenutes mix will bring the PH up im confused lol.
i have collected rain water but this time round i think what i collected might of been kinda acidic & ur right rain water ph is usually perfect fo the plants without PH+-

I did do that before see, i checked the PH of the rain water & it was at 6.5/7 but when i added the organic nutes it went down so much i could not bring it back up ( it seemed i needed to add a whole PH + for any effect lol.

so i threw the mix away with all my nutes in it, what a waste of money i was thinking :( lol & just used the RO water and it seemed to stabilize the PH and it went from (before nutes) 7PH to 6.2 but im not sure that my bio bizz nutes are made for Ro water or do i need to add more supplements as im using RO water which aint got shit in it with a 2PPM reading
How do you know they'll be done in 9 weeks? You can set a schedule on the calendar and follow it but you'll harvest better weed by harvesting when they're ready not by some schedule.
lol well.. im going holiday on the 29 of October and i put them in flower on the 24 of this month :/ i know what a clown some tight ass schedule dude lol so i kinda need it in jars by the time i leave otherwise my boys will fuck it up- my plan is to get it ready so when i leave i can get my friend to burp it for me lol i said he can smoke what ever but not the colas haha
Rain water is fine. Don't PH before adding nutes. If using a cheap PH probe don't take it as gospel... If your in soil stop PH'ing. It will more than likely swing it anyway.

Canopy gets you yield. If you have light hitting the floor your wasting canopy.
Ignore all these idiots being rude, I'll give you the best tip you'll ever get. If you want to double your yield put a mirror in the room, that will easily get you about 2 pound.

Na all jokes aside, forget the mirror, with that set-up you'll likely be in the ball park of about a pound.

Ok, seriously. With your experience be happy with anything between 3-5oz per plant. Look into topping if you want to closer ensure 5+. Well, coco helps a lot too...
As its my first grow in so long i would be happy with 100g from the two plants to tell you the truth :)
thanks dude!
Stop PH adjusting your water before adding nutes. Add your solution in proper order, mix it good, bubble it if you want, take a reading then adjust PH if necessary. Baking soda is a PH Upper I use with good success if absolutely necessary. I don't have issues though with low PH.

Oh, and you'll yield around 14 oz. :weed:
This is what i was thinking, thank you for the input brother & all of you weed family also :)