How many of you voted for Obama just for marijuana reform?

Did you vote for Obama soley for marijuana reform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • I voted for someone else

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • I didn't vote

    Votes: 10 28.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Would like to know how many of you will be honest enough to vote in my poll to tell others if you voted for Obama soley for marijuana reform.


Active Member
I voted for him, but not for that reason. No president is going to push for marijuanna reform. Especially in this economy. Not when so many Americans believe the "Rush O'Hannity" news administration.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul doesn't think the government owns your life or your decisions about YOUR body. But hey he's not as good a bullshitter as the guy that got elected. Obama is a tool of the elite, if you voted for him you got had.


Active Member
Ron Paul doesn't think the government owns your life or your decisions about YOUR body. But hey he's not as good a bullshitter as the guy that got elected. Obama is a tool of the elite, if you voted for him you got had.
I suppose you also voted for Jerry Brown and Ralph Nader, too. How'd that work for you?

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
to vote for a president just for that would be stupid. thats just like all the people that only voted for him cuz he's black.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
i did'nt vote, but i'm glad obama won. mccain was so close minded that he could'nt even accept that cannabis has medicinal use. i wanted that guy from ohio to win, dennis kusin?????ich


Well-Known Member
No, fair point i rekon. a fair few people wuda voted for obama to show how 'not racist' they are..but the fact that theyr'e even thinking about it in that way in the first place shows they have an issue with it. Why should somebodys skin colour have any weight in the vote anymore than the colour of their car or shoes. Surely when voting on someone whos going to decide how your contry is going to be run you'd want to look up their pary policies etc..but how many actually do that? I think the whole tryn to get everyone in the country to vote idea is bad to..if the people who dont giva rats arse about it arent voting thats a good thing..

grape swisha

Well-Known Member
i have no problem with it. i know a lot of black people that only voted because he was running, and that is the point im trying to make. i also know a lot of white people that mainly voted for him because of his color.


Active Member
Hmm....Well...The United States is not a free country anymore...may never have been. There is a group of people running this country that you never even hear about...Your votes don't count for shit. We get to vote for our president? Only if another group of individuals says he is ok for the job. This shit is so horseshoe it's unreal. Everyone needs to open their eyes to what is really going on. RON PAUL, or his equivalent, is our only hope for this country. I am losing faith in this once great country.


New Member
My signature is a play up on it.

Search My President - Young Jeezy on YouTube.

Everyone says "obama 4 life niggas 4 life".. It's pathetic, idiots voting for idiots.. Why do so many coloured people have to go online and give the others a bad name.. It's retarded.