How many more weeks????? Pictures inside of course

OK, so here's the deal with these pics. I am not going to tell anyone how many weeks they are along in flowering. But...I would like ALL opinions on how much longer do you think I have to go.
The strain is Whiteberry from Paradise.

So what do u think many more weeks??



Active Member
yeah you're not close at all. all your hairs are completely white and sticking straight the bud gets closer to harvest majority of all strains have hairs that turn brown/orange/red/etc. and begin to grow into the bud (if that makes sense).

how long have you been flowering? do you know what strain it is or is it bagseed?
I know its not done, I know its still a few weeks away. I was just seeing if any1 would be able to tell me how many more weeks. An estimate of course.
Thanks for your post coyboylogic


Active Member
already said above about 4 weeks yet, just finished one of the same plant and theres a big difference between mine finishing and yours.
mine didnt stretch like yours though. are you just using cfls or is that a hps up above?
heres a link to mine a good while ago and i chopped it last week.
theres mainly skunk in the pics, i think the berry is second along. bloody skunk is still going. they always end up taking longer than you think.
Thanks a lot everyone.
These pics are about 1/2 way between week 5-6.
So according to the schedule that paradise gave me its only 2 weeks left.
Now I know not to start flushing next week.
Is there anything I should be looking for to begin flushing? I know all about the cloudy and amber trichs. God, it's hard waiting!


Active Member
the schedule that paradise gives is only an indicator, it just means you just start checking the trichromes from then on. there are too many variables to rely on what the breeder states, such as soil, feeding habits, light source, humidity and so on. they have a good while to go.
the one i did put a bit of a spurt on and fattened up in the last 2 weeks and then it kind of slowed to a crawl. they dont improve too much for leaving them too long.
good luck with them anyway.
the schedule that paradise gives is only an indicator, it just means you just start checking the trichromes from then on. there are too many variables to rely on what the breeder states, such as soil, feeding habits, light source, humidity and so on. they have a good while to go.
the one i did put a bit of a spurt on and fattened up in the last 2 weeks and then it kind of slowed to a crawl. they dont improve too much for leaving them too long.
good luck with them anyway.
I understand it's just a guideline, and thanks for all the info. My question for you is...what have you found to be your average flowering time, in weeks? I also understand all the variances, im just curious what have you found to be your average.
This is obviously my 1st grow...I'm just nervous about everything cause im so close. Sorry for all the q's.

Bill Wilson

Active Member
You guys ever watch tim and Eric Awesome show on Adult swim. If not its funny as hell great to get high cause the shows only ten minutes. They do sketches of late night infomercials and one is called WaitMate. Its about someone who can't wait and then takes pills to go to sleep ad pass the time. Some stuff on the show can be kinda dumb too.
awesome info every1.
Here's a question for ya...1st of all I totally agree with the 3-4 weeks can I start flushing in 2 weeks? I guess what I really want to know is: Will flushing for 2 weeks (or more) be a problem?
Remember this is my 1st grow, and my hydro store guy says flush for a week.



Well-Known Member
its something u have to decide for urself. people who flush generally do so for 2 weeks...people like me don't flush at all. I know there is at least one thread on here...something like "to flush or not". u should research the reason FOR flushing & opposed to NOT flushing & then decide for urself what ur plants need & what u want to accomplish by flushing.


Active Member
hairs looky orange/brown too me in the first two pics. i normally start flush when 8-% are orange/brown/red and when they are all that colour i know the ladies are ready for picking.