How Many Lumen's Can Plants Handle? Pics Attached


Active Member
i have a self made plant problems chart with info and pics but none match this problem
plants are 7"to 8" tall been on a 20/4 light time for a month
new leaves start off dark green color then slowly change to a light green.
the undergrowth leaves stay forest green, till they grow out of upper leaves shade then that part of the leaf slowly turn yellow then white from the tips inwards,
light distance is around 10" to 13" (no heat problem)
light chart from Caligrower pics with and without flash
change the output depending on temps if go above 82 degrees light goes off

78-82 degrees, 400w 13,500-22,900

73-77 degrees, 600w 25,000-42,200

72 degrees & colder, 600w super switch on ??? PLUS 15%


Active Member
the two measurements

first-total view

second - is bulb to top of glass

third- bottom of glass to tops

13"middle plants and 15" outer plants total distance give or take
pics of distance to much light stress


Well-Known Member
Not sure what you are asking. Are you thinking the deficiency in those leaves is from too many lumens??? Kind of a crazy thought bud,lol. I'd look at your feed first. You'll never duplicate what mother nature puts out as far as lumens so I wouldn't be worrying too much that you have too many. To me, those leaves are starved, especially of nitrogen

-The most recent pic suggests extreme stress. What are the temps in their environment? 1-3 bladed leaves are a sign of issues.

-your plants are root bound


Well-Known Member
i notice you're using party cups, this looks alot like when my vegging plants under some very strong metal halide had wilting issues even though i knew i had everything dialed in, until one day i noticed the light was strong enough to make it through the red color of that party cup, just barely. wrapped my cups in foil tape and gave a good water, the next day the leaves were reaching for the light and looked brighter and lusher. only affected my indica type plants though, wierd but i dont argue with results.


Active Member
well iam having pH problems cause i switch to aeroponics feed and i was slacking on testing run off water,
they are not root bound


New Member
dood.......just what i know but u cant have plants that big in a dixie cup...... and not be root bound........your plants have serious ......serious issues........couldnt even tell u what went wrong ..........

thump easy

Well-Known Member
cal mag, magic green buy house n garden, look at roots you might have root rot to much water if in soil let it dry out a lil before saturation also try see weed ecelent for shock vitamin b just also flush the nutes out nutrient lock i usto do soil but wen i met aroe i cant say ill ever go back also get a metal highlight bulb tempature also check. i


Well-Known Member
Hey LBH ... glad to see you around here again :)

OP ... root bound ... get bigger pots .... N deficient ... get some Mono N in there :)

Paint the inside of that unit WHITE ...or put up some reflective sheeting .... that light is just producing heat .