how many lights to use?in a 13x4ft area


Active Member
Ive got this new space its 13 ft x 4 ft.I need to decide if I should run 4 lights or 3 lights. It seems that im able to use 3 (two 1000,s and a 600 watt) But its a group garden and My lights are the 1000,s his are the 600 watts and we are spliting the yeild 50/50. My main question is in a co2 room can I get more yeild off 4 lights or am I just paying more on power? the room is 13 feet long 4feet wide and 6 ft.4in.tall. I plan on triggering as bushes or trellised at 1.5 feet tall.


Active Member
multiply the sq. footage by the average recommended watts per square foot needed for 1 plant.. which is like 50watts per sq ft.

13ft x 4ft = 52 sq ft
52sqft x 50watts per sqft = 2600 watts

thats how my friends do it .... good luck


Active Member
bump anyone have any better results with more light than recemended.has anyone tryed light overkill?better dank or just the same. p.s co2 1800ppm


Active Member
more lights give you better light distribution and an even canopy ,,, but heat can be a problem and it can eat up all of the humidity in there if your not ventilating correctly ,,, most of the time your not gonna know until you set it up and monitor your space for a few days to see what the environment will be like as far as temp, humidity, ventilation.. looking forward to seeing some pics when u get through with it.. good luck bro


Well-Known Member
I would run 3 1000's on that area it's nearly perfect.
yes 3 1000watts would be almost perfect...4x4=1000watts and your space is 4 feet wide so run 3 1000watts in a line and that will cover 4x12 and your space is 4x13 so like taint said 3 1000watters is damn near perfect......good luck