How many hours of direct sunlight produce the highest THC levels?


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm getting close to 6 hours of direct sunlight but that will change later in the season. I don't know if I will end up recieving more or less. I'm getting shade from various tress around my garden and I haven't figured out which direction the sun's route will move later in the season. But I haven't been able to find anything about what the optimal hours of direct sunlight are for producing THC. I did read 5 hrs will grow small plants but more potent. Don't know if that's true, looking for answers.


Give them as much as possible, I have mine in direct sunlight sun up to sundown, I have mine in plastic black pots, I noticed the pots would get really hot so I wrapped the pots with white paper and it helped tremendously, good luck with your grow brah....