how many hours of direct sunlight do plants need


Active Member
do plants need direct sunlight? i live in the city and want to plant some plants outdoors this summer, yes im legal im worried about people stealing them more than cops..

i have a HUGE bush in my backyard i was going to cut out the center of it and put 2 plants in there, but its pretty tall do my plants need to be getting hit by the sun or can they be shaded?

this is my first all outdoor grow


Active Member
I agree with Throwed 5-6 hrs would do, but in this case the more direct sun it has, the better it will treat you.


Active Member
mine get like 9 hrs DIRECT..and the other 3 are with sun going up and down, shade just the natural stuff now its 6:45 am while writing this reply...sun is rising as we speak..


Active Member
mine get like 9 hrs DIRECT..and the other 3 are with sun going up and down, shade just the natural stuff now its 6:45 am while writing this reply...sun is rising as we speak..
9 hours?....Dude, you should have a excellent grow, but as your ladies get are gonna have to tend to those bitches DAILY! But F it...It's totally worth it!