How many days after switching to 12/12 do you start to see flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro you ever go to the grow class at elemental wellness?
na ah, i went to oaksterdam for a week long class..and right now im just running one monster plant at a time in a 3x3x7 mylar grown tent under 400watts of Jack the Ripper right now, check out my journal.


Well-Known Member
Yellow Bud!
damn lemon lime get off the nuts me a yellow bud, take a pic of your buds and get back to me lol..and i noticed on the other thread u said leaves aren't suppose to turn yellow at the end of flowering and to keep em green until harvest hahaha dude u sound like such a noob its not even funny..get some grows under ur belt and knowledge in your brain b4 u try to holla at a me with ur non sense


Active Member
good lord, why do people like Cali make all pot smokers look like retarded children? I suppose it is a drug and it does attract the degenerate crowd.


Active Member
Stop being an uneducated ghetto hood rat then. You act like you're God's gift to growing weed. Is weed knowledge all you have to be proud of in your life? Is that why you act like a jerk?


Weed Modifier
sorry medicate not trying to jack ur thread bru just gotta say something to these lil haters..hating for no reason..go grow ur plants n shut up
Yah right!

Take your own advise!!! Cali.

You have posted more on here than your own theads, like i said before Thread Jacker!

Dude you have tried to pick a fight with everyone... your Bullshit it is not even funny...actually it is a little, You are so immature it is not even cool...Grow Up Cali!
I wasn't going to say shit yet all I see you doing is the Hating,Bashing everyone making a comment, Like i said before start shit on your own thread, Thread Jacker!!! You say sorry Imed I'm not trying to jack your thread...I call Bullshit!!!

I'm not trying to feed the fire either....You need to start shit on your own thread....Like when you came on another thread and said to me I'm giving bad advise...You didn't even give your advise... Troll! So this is how I know how Immature you are if you were not then you would let shit slide!!! But you won't you will probably comment to me with all your Hating an Bullshit...Dude Let It Go Or Go Home Brah!!!! I'm Done with you and your shit! If you are a man then you will let it go if not I will know You are just a Kid! Playin in the Park! Trying to be something you aren't.... A Man!


Well-Known Member
Yah right!

Take your own advise!!! Cali.

You have posted more on here than your own theads, like i said before Thread Jacker!

Dude you have tried to pick a fight with everyone... your Bullshit it is not even funny...actually it is a little, You are so immature it is not even cool...Grow Up Cali!
I wasn't going to say shit yet all I see you doing is the Hating,Bashing everyone making a comment, Like i said before start shit on your own thread, Thread Jacker!!! You say sorry Imed I'm not trying to jack your thread...I call Bullshit!!!

I'm not trying to feed the fire either....You need to start shit on your own thread....Like when you came on another thread and said to me I'm giving bad advise...You didn't even give your advise... Troll! So this is how I know how Immature you are if you were not then you would let shit slide!!! But you won't you will probably comment to me with all your Hating an Bullshit...Dude Let It Go Or Go Home Brah!!!! I'm Done with you and your shit! If you are a man then you will let it go if not I will know You are just a Kid! Playin in the Park! Trying to be something you aren't.... A Man!
wow did u write enough there u no life having thread jacking bit%^, its funny how medicate aint saying shit to me so dont trip off this thread or who's its is ma fuc^&..and u and high time where the ones talking shit thinking u know it all saying im giving bad advice and then u go on a thread telling some dude, who's harvest got covered in mud, that he can still smoke his shit..u didnt say anything about mold or anything lol just get off my nuts dude, seriously i know what im talking about and NONE of u mothafu%^* can prove me wrong..all u do is talk shit, get on my level youngster.


Active Member
yea since everybody learns how to spell tourette's in school lol..its funny how thats all u gotta say fool..avoiding questions cuz ur just a follower trying to talk fu^*in hater
Oh you were seriously asking if I had Tourette's? And you seriously expected an answer? You're dumber than I thought. You do know that it's an anxiety disorder consisting of spontaneous verbal compulsions that they can't control right? People with Tourette's don't type random mean things on the keyboard because there's this thing called backspace, moron.

Yeah, and I'm a follower and you're a rebel dude. Fight the power man. I really hope you're 15 or 16 years old because if you are over the age of twenty, it's a sad sad world we live in.

Finally, who the hell still calls people haters? Did you grow up in the projects? Thug life.


Well-Known Member
no dumb kid, im talkin about when u said that i thought i was "gods gift to growing weed"..and yea i said hater cuz u are a hater bit%&, look at u..where r u even from?? u cant be from california if you think people dont say hater anymore lol or u probably just have no life what so ever (which is probably the case) seeing that your side busting in on online conversations and shit, trying to act like a internet tough guy..u moron..any who ye low life i'd dare u to come to my projects lol


Well-Known Member
if ur talking about the white spot on the leaf then dont even trip its probably dirt or dust..ur looking good..nice and healthy


Well-Known Member
hey Imedicate..check out MED EX on senter rd. that fuking club is so sick bro..i just went the other day and my boy that i havn't seen since high school works there and he told me to apply to be a volunteer cuz he's the boss of all the volunteers and all i do is go weigh out 8ths quarters and grams, roll joints, go to music in the park to hand out flyers and get real REAL high all day lol..they got a lounge where u can chill n smoke at, big screen t'vs, bbq's every monday and sunday night for football..all types of vaporizers, sick ass gravity bongs (not homemade)..they have this vaporizer just for oils or honey buds 2..oooh my god that thing is the shit


Well-Known Member
and check out the club on 10th street by spartan stadium..10th steet and Phelon or grams every sunday yes u heard me right FREE GRAMS every sunday lol..u dont even gotta buy shit just go in there and say u came for a free gram..dont say i never looked out for u man lol


hey Imedicate..check out MED EX on senter rd. that fuking club is so sick bro..i just went the other day and my boy that i havn't seen since high school works there and he told me to apply to be a volunteer cuz he's the boss of all the volunteers and all i do is go weigh out 8ths quarters and grams, roll joints, go to music in the park to hand out flyers and get real REAL high all day lol..they got a lounge where u can chill n smoke at, big screen t'vs, bbq's every monday and sunday night for football..all types of vaporizers, sick ass gravity bongs (not homemade)..they have this vaporizer just for oils or honey buds 2..oooh my god that thing is the shit
Whaaaaaat??? Damn!!!! How's the quality of their top shelf?