how many clf's per plant?

josh b

Well-Known Member
hey all

i have been thinking about doing a small clf grow no more than 1 or 2 plants.

i was wondering if 90w of (2700k) if enough to flower 1 or 2 plants?

also i was wondering if 72w (6500k) is enough to veg 1 or 2 plants?

thanks everyone,hope you can help me


yes cfl's are pretty good but it all depends on the area your trying to light.. the grow bible says minumum of 50watts per sq foot but with cfls a 26watt is equil to 100 watts and has a better spectrum of red and blue. my last batch was 8 2 foot plants in a small 3foot trash can i ran 3 26watt cfls and a small computer fan blowing out and a air hole in the bottom (intake) it looked crouded but i flowerd with cfl and got about 1/2 pound of strait good bud plus with cfl theres NO HEAT you should try it....!!!


Well-Known Member
yes cfl's are pretty good but it all depends on the area your trying to light.. the grow bible says minumum of 50watts per sq foot but with cfls a 26watt is equil to 100 watts and has a better spectrum of red and blue. my last batch was 8 2 foot plants in a small 3foot trash can i ran 3 26watt cfls and a small computer fan blowing out and a air hole in the bottom (intake) it looked crouded but i flowerd with cfl and got about 1/2 pound of strait good bud plus with cfl theres NO HEAT you should try it....!!!
Dude, due me a favor. Dont preach shit you have no idea about, you are providing this guy with misleading information.
First off. a 26watt cfl is EQUIVELANT to a 100 watt incandescent bulb. That does not mean a 26 watt cfl puts out 100 watts, it puts out 26. CFL's due produce heat but not as much as say a 250 watt hps light. if u had 9 26 watt cfls in lets say a small grow area you will still have heat issues to worry about.
Also, bigger cfls, like big 100 watt bulbs tend to give off more heat than lets say smaller 26 watt cfls. More wattage usually means more heat! So i would go with some smaller cfls placed around the plants to give off better light on all areas on the plants, not just the top canopy! hope this helps bro, happy growing.


well thanx for your imput but i did it and the it worked fine even on the lower branches were full of bud as well because when light is containd it will bounce around in that trash can intell it is absorbed and its not misleadind because yes 26 wattcfl = 100 watt reg bulb but watts have nothing to do with your spectrum of light and a hps just has a way better spectrum for growing but is cost consuming and a fire hazzzerd
you should do some reading about watts and light spectrums. have a nice day


well thanx for your imput but i did it and the it worked fine even on the lower branches were full of bud as well because when light is containd it will bounce around in that trash can intell it is absorbed and its not misleadind because yes 26 wattcfl = 100 watt reg bulb but watts have nothing to do with your spectrum of light and a hps just has a way better spectrum for growing but is cost consuming and a fire hazzzerd
you should do some reading about watts and light spectrums. have a nice day :wall:


Well-Known Member
well thanx for your imput but i did it and the it worked fine even on the lower branches were full of bud as well because when light is containd it will bounce around in that trash can intell it is absorbed and its not misleadind because yes 26 wattcfl = 100 watt reg bulb but watts have nothing to do with your spectrum of light and a hps just has a way better spectrum for growing but is cost consuming and a fire hazzzerd
you should do some reading about watts and light spectrums. have a nice day
well thanx for your imput but i did it and the it worked fine even on the lower branches were full of bud as well because when light is containd it will bounce around in that trash can intell it is absorbed and its not misleadind because yes 26 wattcfl = 100 watt reg bulb but watts have nothing to do with your spectrum of light and a hps just has a way better spectrum for growing but is cost consuming and a fire hazzzerd
you should do some reading about watts and light spectrums. have a nice day :wall:



Well-Known Member
well thanx for your imput but i did it and the it worked fine even on the lower branches were full of bud as well because when light is containd it will bounce around in that trash can intell it is absorbed and its not misleadind because yes 26 wattcfl = 100 watt reg bulb but watts have nothing to do with your spectrum of light and a hps just has a way better spectrum for growing but is cost consuming and a fire hazzzerd
you should do some reading about watts and light spectrums. have a nice day :wall:
Your setup worked because it was in an extremely small area. who's to say josh is going to grow in a trash can like you did.
The information you provided is in fact misleading when u say a 26 watt cfl puts out a 100 watts. I never said Watts has anything to due with the light spectrum you did. For a person with 3 posts i really don't think you should be telling other users to due some reading buddy. i wouldn't bang your head too hard you need all the brain cells you can get buddy! Just trying to help out josh here from some of these know it all's around here. Good luck with the grow josh.


Well-Known Member
So i would go with some smaller cfls placed around the plants to give off better light on all areas on the plants, not just the top canopy! hope this helps bro, happy growing.
This is the key to CFL growing that most people don't get. The plant should be surrounded. You can do this with as little as 2 CFLs.

The real answer to "how many" depends on the size of your box. The answer is as many it takes to surround the plants and still fit inside the box. Of course, you need fans for cooling as well (as Mikey pointed out).


all he asked is if cfls were good or not and i gave him an example of how good they can perform and right at the top of my post its says it all depends on the size of the area he is trying to light. i thought this site was to try and help with info but i think you have the wrong idea MikeyPeenz


Well-Known Member
I would TOTALLY swap out CFL watts for HPS watts...

I would choose a 35watt HPS over a 35 watt CFL in a heart beat...

You can get HPS in 35w, 50w, 70, 100w, 150w, 250w, 400w, 600w, 1k....:razz:

And please don't say HEAT is the issue... if you are burning the same watts...

But go with what you know..:razz: it's YOUR grow...:clap: