Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Exactly.It was kept in Latin by the priesthood to keep common folks from being able to read it,thus creating a bunch of ignorant serfs who were basically browbeaten into submission by the priesthood. Witholding knowledge is witholding power.
But it too, was translated, and imperfectly.Imagine this...L ron Hubbard wrote dianetics 50 years ago, most folks just laugh and laugh. Why is it really any different from what happened 2000 years ago, when a man or group of men decided to sit down and write the Bible? Why would god need to edit? Isn't he perfect?Why are so many books left out? Why do the stories change?Which bible Stoney...which edition? who wrote the first bible? How many times has it been edited and translated? The Bible has gone from a home made country stew to campbell's in a can, with everyone INSISTING it's just as good.
I love the old testiment. Brutal reading but pretty cool storys. The bible is a book of parables. It gives you a basis of what was, what happened and what will be. And the ending can be bad or good based on choices you make and if you acknowledge your sins and behavior.
Try writing a book nowdays about just say our presidency. Think all the facts would line up for every naysayer? People would pick it apart too. I dont go to every post and defend christianity and it's many forms but based on sue's title i felt fine. I even explained how I found christ and why. Other than more verbal lashings from people who don't agree, what else is there for me to say? I stand comfortable and solid as a christian