I recently baught a 400watt hps/mh , actually its still coming in the mail. Now I have been growing with 4 65 watt cfl and they have been doing a good job but all my research kept telling me to get a hps system for many, many, reasons. Like many of us on here im not a rich man so i had to search around either for a used on or something ..so anyway I went on ebay and let me tell you there are some GREAT deals on there...the one I baught was from a store its a 400 watt HPS/MH it comes with two bulbs, 400watt hps ballast, batwing reflector, AND theyn threw in a FREE timer for 164.00 with shipping it was 204.90 brand new..comparative it was a GREAT deal. the store has like 34 of them left or something like that, but if you choose you can bid on someones used one...I actully was bidding on one and it reached 102.00 I didnt bid anymore cause I was thinking that i would just get a new one if im going to go that high. but that 102.00 was with everything that i baught throgh the evay store. so I recommend you go to and ebay store or similar you can get some great deals. I cannot wait to get mine in so I can use it immideatly and see if i can notice a change ..IM POSITIVE it wll...smoke on on.....;peace