How many babies to a light 1000 watt


Well-Known Member
I have about 38 under my 1k right now at various stages of flowering......

I've followed grows where they only had 1 plant per 1k light........

It all depends on how you are wanting to grow, and how long you are able/willing to wait for a harvest.


Well-Known Member
I don't have any fresh pics of the whole tray. Heres a couple from a few months ago.

And some from a few months before that. I don't know how many were in each of these pics, but it was between 35-40 in both sets of pics.

I grow most of my plants as Single cola plants with only about 1-2 weeks of veg time after the clones take root.


Well-Known Member
5 gallon pots, 4 plants under each 1k, 6ft tall each, 8 oz average per plant is what id shoot for under 1k . If using 2k then do 10 plants with 4 under each light and 2 in the middle getting hit by both lights.


Well-Known Member
I had as many as 18 and as few as 8 under 1000 watt.
they are typically in their flower room pots for 70 to 80 days and I find that a 3 gallon is the right size.
I put the same clones into two 5 gallon, and two 3 gallon smart pots, and there wasn't 2 grams worth of difference in the yield of each plant.

I move the plants around every watering.
well, almost every watering. im usually high at that time of day and I'm kind of lazy. :)

I did a few SOGs way back when, I much prefer larger plants.

I use a 600 watt these days but I still crowd the tent. I average 1 oz per plant.

everybody has their favorite was of doing things. one is as good as another.

this was from a few weeks ago.




Well-Known Member
Oh so im seeing that 4 yielding 8 oz each = 2 lbs
then im seeing 38 yielding 1 oz each = 2lbs 6 oz
so its close but i would say easier to harvesst each smaller plant since each plant will not be ready at the same time. so over a week you can do some each night. instead of trying to do it all in 1 night and help would be needed or a trimming bowl which is messy and isnt as good as by hand with good shears / scissors. I like the single plant idea and will have to try it against a plant that i have done FIM on. Great job both of you i bow at your skills and hope i can come close to either of you in my future grows.
Peace and love all


Well-Known Member
getting 8 oz per plant indoors is not an easy feat.

i'd aim lower, until you get a harvest under that 1000 finished. then you'll have a better idea of what you can pull per crop.

and 6 foot is tall for a typical indoor grow.

if you want to veg for a long time or go hydro it's more likely.


Maybe I'm old fashioned, (or maybe just old), but momma always told me not to count my chickens until they hatch, it's bad luck, or was it something like a box of chocolates I can't remember. I had a friend that had two 1000 watt light on an electric track system hooked to his ceiling and he turned out amazing product. Lights were constantly moving around the room full of plants.