How many auto flowers would i be able to fit in my grow room???

Accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!
Accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!accidental repost!!!!! Sorry!!!


Active Member
well.. what are your dimensions and lighting?.. you cant just ask how many can i fit in my grow room we dont know who you are -___-

newb weed grower

Active Member
different strains grow to diff sizes and lights shine brighter and farther then others wanna tell us ur nute ull use water cycle this is ALL GOOD STUFF TO INCLUDE IN UR NEXT FEW POSTS ON UR CLOSET GROW


Well-Known Member
We cant answer your question if you don't give any information. What are you working with? Grow room size?