How LSD Changed Me

Already got next summer in mind as possible dead reunion, fuckin A if they hit lockn. allgood has announced they're doing it again this year at a different spot in WV maybe they'll hit both?
My buddy was given a laced joint. I think they blotted the paper. Thought it would be funny.
It was a intense, unexpected, wonderful thing, not knowing it was coming.
meh idk man. seems like a bullshit story honestly lol... if I were to dose someone for free id be damn sure to let them know that theres LSD on that joint paper especially without them knowing???

Like you get in your car than what happens? Id be paranoid as fuck if I gave u that joint. Seems like BS
i wanna try pops says it was the "beaster" of the 70s tho..the gold and red was better,people got oxaxacan if it was the only choice..larfy buds he said...idk,but i still wanna try inner sat hound is barking!
Man kinda off topic but I just ordered two 12CC spore synringes... about to be putting out pounds of mushrooms.

Where do you order spores from? I think spore lab is the only place I know of that will ship to Cali, and they don't have amanita muscaria. I could only find spore prints for that from a place that will ship to Cali. White Buffalo trading Co looks like a good place to order opium poppy seeds.
Cop: "What you are saying you just did isn't even possible."

^i think u meant "what you did isn't even possible"

Friend: "I wonder what he did."

Another Friend: "I wonder what he told them he did."

^and that's just corny. Sorry no offense. I love you :)