How LSD Changed Me


Well-Known Member
So, whats going on guys? I think I made a poorly constructed thread before and would like to recreate it and explain how this beautiful substance has changed my life.

I've dosed LSD countless times, however the first time was the best and changed my perspective. It is so beautiful. Just so lovely and purely amazing.

-Changing My Career
When I was tripping I was working at Best Buy and my buddy and I were talking and getting deep on acid. And he mentioned to me "What....what...are you" and I was so confused.. He latter was mentioning to me how I'm "Just the best buy guy" When he said that I instantly realized what he was saying... I was working for a company who strips me of who I am and makes me go along with there lingo and working my ass off and being rewarded unfairly. I called the next day after tripping and called in sick and it wasn't till a month latter I left and pursued my education.

-Improved Appreciation For Life
I use to be a bit of a high school bully who was caught in there own insecurities and had low self-confidence. LSD has changed that in me forever. I'm very confident with who I am and what I choose to do in life... I will never analyze people like I once did, instead I try and understand every person and who they're. LSD has taught me to appreciate "the little things" in life to shorten it up

-Seeking LOVE (The Biggest I Think)
One of the hugest changes is truly learning how to love. After doing acid I learned that love is more than a emotion. However this actually brings on a lot of depression from time to time. Finding true love seems impossible after doing acid.

-Feel Like A Child
While on acid I felt as if I went back in time and was 10 again. It was the most beautiful thing ever it made me break down and cry and just appreciate myself sooo much. I felt like I relived my whole childhood in seconds. Time was non-existent and my body was nothing more than a aging apparatus. I was thinking about everything like how I use to play baseball and I was thinking about all my elementary school teachers and would think about how my mom use to pick me up everyday. It was a experience that has changed me and I will always be a kid I realized

-Executed Fear Of Death
After LSD I realize that death is apparent however I am much more confident that there is more to this life than what we are experiencing now. It helped me be accepting of death and the nature of it. I can live every day like my last now.

-The Truth
I feel confident knowing the lies of modern society. Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies

Once The Doors Open In Your Mind They Cant Be Shut.
i took all that,and made it a ten year mission to spread as much LSD around this country to convey that post to whomever would take some..its great spreading the love,and knowing the good youre doing...posts like this one will remind you..or at least for me,let me reminiscence a little..
great post.
Thanks a lot rory. It is a very lovely substance I think about my experiences every day... I can't not think about it.. One last thing i would add is the ability to THINK and that may sound ridiculous but you wont know what im talking about until you drop L.

Yes. I love this thread. I too quit my life to go back to school with the catalyst being lsd. I left a career in restaurants were I was stuck at middle management to pursue an education in psychology.
I had taken mushrooms many times but about two years ago lsd entered my life and changed me forever.

I feel lsd changed my perspective of what is important in life. My last trip on my birthday taught me more about living than everything I learned up to that point. I was coming opiates at the time and while under influence of a ten strip have grand mal siezure. Coming out of the seizure still completely gone had to deal with park rangers and ambulances and barely excaped the ER.

My friends all say man you should never trip again. But I know the siezure was a sign from god or universal entity or just myself that said no more fuckong around. Get off the pills. I should also note L was the only reason I started getting off the Poisen in the first place.

I've been off pharms since (almost 10 weeks) then and after the first month, wow life is amazing that's all I know. Any way. I love acid. Someday when I'm all edgumacated I want to be in the psychedelic therapy feild. If that doesn't exsist then I just create it!
Thanks for letting me ramble guys. I am getting ready to dose again for fits time since my birthday and am excited
Yes. I love this thread. I too quit my life to go back to school with the catalyst being lsd. I left a career in restaurants were I was stuck at middle management to pursue an education in psychology.
I had taken mushrooms many times but about two years ago lsd entered my life and changed me forever.

I feel lsd changed my perspective of what is important in life. My last trip on my birthday taught me more about living than everything I learned up to that point. I was coming opiates at the time and while under influence of a ten strip have grand mal siezure. Coming out of the seizure still completely gone had to deal with park rangers and ambulances and barely excaped the ER.

My friends all say man you should never trip again. But I know the siezure was a sign from god or universal entity or just myself that said no more fuckong around. Get off the pills. I should also note L was the only reason I started getting off the Poisen in the first place.

I've been off pharms since (almost 10 weeks) then and after the first month, wow life is amazing that's all I know. Any way. I love acid. Someday when I'm all edgumacated I want to be in the psychedelic therapy feild. If that doesn't exsist then I just create it!
Thanks for letting me ramble guys. I am getting ready to dose again for fits time since my birthday and am excited

I'm glad to hear about your story and the positive impact LSD had on you. It's good to get away from the pharmaceuticals you are doing much better now without it and although i don't kbnow you on a personal level am proud of you for staying clean brother. Keep it up!
i took the outer approach to my first lsd trips..instead of eating it all the time,improving things for myself ,in an offhanded fashion i improved things for everyone around me,by feeding them lsd...therefore increasing the quality of life around me..a circle of life if you will...
i ams fortunate enough to have about as much lsd as i ever wanted since i was 14 also...makes that task easy...
i took the illegal johnny appleseed to heart as a youth...was a great risk,but i retired uscathed,save a few run ins w johnny law,and its all worthwhile when you have strangers meet with you years later to tell youhow you changed their life for the better...
Yes. I love this thread. I too quit my life to go back to school with the catalyst being lsd. I left a career in restaurants were I was stuck at middle management to pursue an education in psychology.
I had taken mushrooms many times but about two years ago lsd entered my life and changed me forever.

I feel lsd changed my perspective of what is important in life. My last trip on my birthday taught me more about living than everything I learned up to that point. I was coming opiates at the time and while under influence of a ten strip have grand mal siezure. Coming out of the seizure still completely gone had to deal with park rangers and ambulances and barely excaped the ER.

My friends all say man you should never trip again. But I know the siezure was a sign from god or universal entity or just myself that said no more fuckong around. Get off the pills. I should also note L was the only reason I started getting off the Poisen in the first place.

I've been off pharms since (almost 10 weeks) then and after the first month, wow life is amazing that's all I know. Any way. I love acid. Someday when I'm all edgumacated I want to be in the psychedelic therapy feild. If that doesn't exsist then I just create it!
Thanks for letting me ramble guys. I am getting ready to dose again for fits time since my birthday and am excited
happy birthday!
for real tho,trainstop is 20min away from my house,next one is 20 mins past the fest..either way,ill get you bro.
got all winter to plan now,we doing vip this year to circumnavigate the douche locals trying to pick your pockets at the gate to the field..redneck thiefs.