How low can they go?


Well-Known Member
New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low

Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.

New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low - Gallup Guru -

Good job Dems!
What a despicable state of affairs...
Time to throw ALL dems and repubs out...a pox on both their houses.
This situation is gonna get worse before more American voters wake up!
Amnesty....hahaha, they all seem to have it bassackwards!


New Member
New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low

Just 14% of Americans have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in Congress.
This 14% Congressional confidence rating is the all-time low for this measure, which Gallup initiated in 1973. The previous low point for Congress was 18% at several points in the period of time 1991 to 1994.

New Gallup data show confidence in Congress at all time low - Gallup Guru -

Good job Dems!
What a despicable state of affairs...
Time to throw ALL dems and repubs out...a pox on both their houses.
This situation is gonna get worse before more American voters wake up!
Amnesty....hahaha, they all seem to have it bassackwards!
Actually, I couldn't agree with you more. It's just, what the hell do we replace them with, more crooks?. Untill we remove lobbiests from the political equation, we'll never get a government of the people, by the people, for the people. The most critical position under debate should be Iraq, next should be lobbiest reform.


Well-Known Member
they've done nothing that they promised their ballot casting robots they would do either.

those round the clock sessions that Pelosivich promised never happened.

no immigration reform and nothing close to sane in the works either.

no measures to cut pork spending, increases actually.

sad thing is; i bet most of them will vote dem again, and again, and again....... lol



New Member
they've done nothing that they promised their ballot casting robots they would do either.

those round the clock sessions that Pelosivich promised never happened.

no immigration reform and nothing close to sane in the works either.

no measures to cut pork spending, increases actually.

sad thing is; i bet most of them will vote dem again, and again, and again....... lol

And the repubes did what?


New Member
"And the repubes did what?"

Cut the bejezzus out of taxes, which in turn caused economic boom. Deficit cut in half. No (major) terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11. Resisted pressure to place controls on oil, thereby not creating a false shortage.

On the negative side: Spent money like drunken/insane Democrats.



Active Member
Yeah, you remember Nancy Pelosi saying how she was gonna end the "Culture of Corruption" in Congress. But then she got her son a lobbyists position. And she wanted to be able to use taxpayer money to fly her family around in.They talked about the first 100 hours like they were gonna clean up all Washington.

Typical carear politician:spew:


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify:

no immigration reform and nothing close to sane in the works either.
Immigration reform was brought up by democrats and blocked by republicans.

no measures to cut pork spending, increases actually
Budget reform was brought up by democrats and blocked by republicans.

Now don't get me wrong, both parties are full of crooks, but this low approval of Congress isn't a reflection of how poorly the democrats are doing, it's a reflection of how poorly republicans are doing. Can democrats do better? Maybe, maybe not. But they would actually have to be in a position to pass the legislation they wanted for us to judge. And right now they're not.


Well-Known Member
ViRedd said:
Cut the bejezzus out of taxes, which in turn caused economic boom.
for the rich

No (major) terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11.
What does this have to do with anything? Clinton had no (major) terrorist attacks on U.S. soil AT ALL. Does that make him a better president?

Deficit cut in half.
...and national debt tripled.


New Member
"And the repubes did what?"

Cut the bejezzus out of taxes, which in turn caused economic boom. Deficit cut in half. No (major) terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11. Resisted pressure to place controls on oil, thereby not creating a false shortage.

On the negative side: Spent money like drunken/insane Democrats.

More delusional reasoning. The only ones benefiting from the bush regime are the wealthy, the elites, the politicians, the corporations, the mexicans, the Chinese, and a few other countries they,ve put on their list of compatriots. the rest of us have been taking a full fledged Bush enema.


New Member
National debt tripled? Show me the figures.

Only the rich benefit from tax cuts? Anyone who pays taxes benefits from tax cuts. Even the poor benefit. When capital is left in the hands of producers instead of being syphoned off into the wasteland of government, jobs are created, things are produced and even the bottom rung of the ladder can climb up a rung.

Unemployment is at record lows. Dow is at record highs ... benefiting those who have retirement programs and other small investors as well. Home ownership is at a record high.

Clinton didn't have any terrorist attacks? U.S. Cole? First Trade Center attack?

Come on Libbies ... take the rose colored glasses off.



Well-Known Member
ViRedd said:
National debt tripled? Show me the figures.
When the first Bush took office the national debt was at (and I'm rounding) $3 trillion. Within the next fiscal year the expected national debt is expected to top $9 trillion. The only dip in national debt within the last 18 years occurred under Clinton. The current estimated debt as of today is $8.8 trillion. The following graphs are pretty self explanatory

Intelligentguess - Analysis of Market Economics » USA - Relationship between Total Debt ( data from 1929) and External debt as a % of the GDP (data from 1995)

Only the rich benefit from tax cuts? Anyone who pays taxes benefits from tax cuts. Even the poor benefit.
Well yeah, but that wasn't my point. The point was that the rich benefit far more than the poor (who should be the ones to mostly benefit from tax cuts. The wealthiest Americans benefit far more based on percent of annual income than the poorest Americans.

Unemployment is at record lows.
This is probably a terrible claim to make on your part, especially if you don't understand how the unemployment rate is calculated. Unemployment is calculated based on the number of people who received unemployment checks from the government. You can only receive unemployment compensation (with a few exceptions) for 1 year. After that 1 year if you still do not have a job, you cannot claim unemployment, and are therefore not included in the national unemployment rate. This means that many people who do not have jobs are not recorded in the unemployment rate. The current official unemployment rate is about 5%. The actual number of unemployed Americans (while difficult to actually calculate) is closer to 7 or 8%. An unemployment rate of 2-6% is considered healthy. So we're just out of the healthy range.

Home ownership is at a record high.
Uf! Another bad argument on your part seeing as how the real estate bubble just burst literally a couple of months ago. Property taxes and the cost of building new homes is excrutiatingly high. Good luck trying to sell your house for market value.

Clinton didn't have any terrorist attacks? U.S. Cole? First Trade Center attack?
I was using your words. You said no major terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since 9/11. The USS Cole was not on U.S. soil and the first WTC bombing was far from major. How many people died in those two attacks combined? Now how many died on 9/11?

Come on Libbies ... take the rose colored glasses off.
Ha, you realize what the saying "rose colored glasses" means right? If someone is wearing rose colored glasses it means that they are seeing the world as a much better place than it really is. So perhaps the phrase is more applicable to you and the conservatives.


New Member
OK, I give up. The country is fucked. There is just no use in setting goals for success. We need to raise taxes across the board to punish all incentive to achieve. We need to hand over all assets to the federal government to manage. Unemployment is running rampant. The stock market is approaching zero. People are starving in the streets. The poor are eating the homeless. The housing market is in the dumpers. Foreclosures are higher now than at the peak of the Great Depression ... which FDR, our Savior didn't exacerbate. We no longer have a middle class ... and those who are left are subsisting on a handful of rice per day. And the only hope we have left is socialism.

Anything else? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
lol I think you're missing the point of everything here. No one is making the absurd claims that you sarcastically pointed out. The United States isn't a shit hole. Far from it actually. The point is that we have been in a downward spiral for the last 7 years mostly because of Republican incompetence and corruption and we can do better.

A 7-8% unemployment rate isn't terrible, it's just not as good as a lot of other countries. Our taxation system is unfair and outdated. You were right though (whether you knew it or not): the housing market is in the dumps and the middle class is slowly evaporating. The rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer.

And who brought up socialism? Or do you just ignorantly group all forms of liberal thought under the umbrella of "socialism?"


New Member
"And who brought up socialism? Or do you just ignorantly group all forms of liberal thought under the umbrella of "socialism?"

Well, I can't answer that question until you define "liberal thought."



Master of Mayhem
lol I think you're missing the point of everything here. No one is making the absurd claims that you sarcastically pointed out. The United States isn't a shit hole. Far from it actually. The point is that we have been in a downward spiral for the last 7 years mostly because of Republican incompetence and corruption and we can do better.

A 7-8% unemployment rate isn't terrible, it's just not as good as a lot of other countries. Our taxation system is unfair and outdated. You were right though (whether you knew it or not): the housing market is in the dumps and the middle class is slowly evaporating. The rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer.

And who brought up socialism? Or do you just ignorantly group all forms of liberal thought under the umbrella of "socialism?"
He's right:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
no matter who is in office, or what position they promise to make, its never going to really happen. the next presidential candidate should probably say that if they get elected, they are bound to fuck up the country. the first person to do that will get my vote, because at least I know they are honest, and not lying scum.