How long would 18 grams last you??

18 gs of stuff I'm familiar with, own....would last me approx 6 weeks...or about 3 gs a week...I only vape which makes good stuff last much longer IMO....before teh latest medical malady, my usage was approx 1 gram a week to control spasms of ms, now I vape 3g a weeks for the pain of ra......
18 grams? Well, it kinda depends on the quality of the product.

If its some 'one hitter quitter' stuff.. heh, 18 grams would last me a good 2 to 3 weeks.

If your talking about some mediocre stuff?? Eh, it might last me a week to a week and a half.. If I'm lucky.
Same here, especially if I'm not sharing.
maybe a week a gram if it's just me smoking. I just take a couple of bong hits at night, so it lasts me awhile
Gram/day unless I'm fishing or hitting a party/show. If I'm entertaining, it would last about an hour and a half.
If good reef..with a 1 hitter and just going for a buzz once in should last 3 buddy smoke joints like cigarettes..4-5 a day..he builds up a immunity to it so it takes just go for a occasional high daily and you will be set....I smoke 3-4 times a I get buzzed easy...dont take much
If it was some that I grew and cured, and I was only getting myself high, I'd say about 18 days.

But, like another member here and I were discussing earlier, half of the fun of growing your own is having enough to share generously with your friends, neighbors, and family. All said and done, I've probably given away at least a quarter pound since last fall.
like others said, probably 18 days on average, some less, some more.... maybe more on the weekends but a little less on weekdays
Just wondering.

thats a lil over a half right?? 3.5-7-14 if im thinkin ya bout half n an 8....if its schwag about 5 days....nugs between a week and 2....depends on if im payin for it or growing it...if i had to pay for it i make it last a lil longer....but never more than 2 weeks