How long would 18 grams last you??

Lol everytime I purchase an oz, its gone within 2 days sometimes. If I bought 18 grams probably a day if I was smoking with people, we'd just get soo baked. If it was by myself though

Jesus.. 18 days probably :p
Yea I haven't smoked in eight months due to probation but. I bought an ounce that is waiting until next week I sold a bit and gave friends some leaving me with eighteen g's. Hopin for it to last a week at least haha
If it's that A grade, I smoke a gram a day on avg. so 2 1/2 weeks.... mids or good schwag, 3-5 days
It's good and getting better because I'm curing it. Smell has been enhanced. I can't smoke for another week so as for potency and taste, I haven't a clue its chronic. Some sort of fire strain
For Myself.... 4-7 days depending on how good it is.... I'm a joint guy, so that really wastes a little, but, I'd rather lose, and smoke a jay, than smoke just bongs and pipes... Maybe if I was still

With friends..... 1 night of partying between 6-8 of us.... will smoke up 18 grams in 3-4 hours..(If it was mine, and all I had, I'd definitely save a gram or 2 for wake n bake :P but normally everyone carries their own weed, and I'd never let "friends" freeload all my weed in 1 Not bragging at all, we could smoke it all in 30 mins if we wanted to with no problem(As im sure many of you could also), but that wouldnt be too
If I bought it all at once and money wasn't an issue, I'll finished a q over the space of an evening so I'd say 2-3 days.

But then again, I've had to make an eighth stretch a week before (lol with the help of butts, resin and doing crazy desperate shit with stems), because in the real world, money IS an issue X3
18 grams? Well, it kinda depends on the quality of the product.

If its some 'one hitter quitter' stuff.. heh, 18 grams would last me a good 2 to 3 weeks.

If your talking about some mediocre stuff?? Eh, it might last me a week to a week and a half.. If I'm lucky.